Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Mother In Law

My mother in-law is coming to town tomorrow and is staying with us for 3 weeks. I am feeling kind of ambivalent about it. It will be nice to see her and the kids are excited but 3 weeks is a long time. My mother in law and I get along pretty well but we do annoy each other at times. She shouldn't take it personally - everyone in my immediate family bugs the hell out of me sometimes.

For instance, last time she came to visit she would clean things around the house and be like, "Your X was filthy, so I cleaned it for you." In my head I felt like she was insulting me and calling me a slob and made me feel like I wasn't an adequate housekeeper which made me an inadequate wife to her wonderful son. I know that it was not her intention but I am neurotic and I take things the wrong way. This visit will be different. Whenever she says "Your X was filthy, so I cleaned it for you" I will not be offended. I will agree and be appreciative. "You're right. Come look at this filthy closet, and these filthy clothes, and these filthy dishes....." If I'm lucky she will be offended by my filth and will clean it and then I will offer her praise and she will feel good and in turn I will feel good because the lazy side of myself will be satisfied. 

On the downside, I don't know what I can do to prevent her from being bored. My husband and I both have to work and the kid's summer camp is paid up through the month. We don't have cable. Honestly, I don't even have anything to say. I never call my mother in law. Not because I don't want to. There is just nothing new to talk about. "Whats new with you guys?" "The same shit that we've been doing the past 4 years. Went to work, cooked dinner, kids are good. I did have an adventurous trip to the grocery store last Friday night...." I suppose I could fill her in on my dysfunctional family for a whole afternoon but I'm stumped for the next 20 days.

She will be staying in my youngest child's bedroom which means my child will be sleeping in our room. So for the next 3 weeks all interactions between me and my husband will be G rated. Which he will bitch to me about repeatedly, I'm sure. He will become grumpy and his mom will take it personally and there will be drama. Whatever.

I am hopeful it will go well and if not, at least the kids will be happy to see her and I will probably get out of a few loads of laundry. Alls well that ends well!

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