Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I went out of town for work yesterday. Just one night. I used to travel frequently for work and I forgot how amazing it is.

I'm just kidding. It sucks to be away from the kids and people look at you like you are sad when you eat alone in the restaurant but it is nice to have a little break and not have to worry about the dishes and packing lunches. I just left that up to my husband.
I checked in this evening and they acted like I was special because I still have my Diamond status until the end of the year. Soon, I will become a nobody in the eyes of Hilton but for now I still get free bottles of water.

I laid down for a while, worked out and then took a hot shower. I stood in the shower and thought, "This is rare."

I never get a good shower. I always get a cold shower after someone else has taken a shower. My youngest daughter takes a shower in the morning and my husband right after so I take a shower at night. I fight with my oldest daughter about it. Like, every night. I'll go to walk into the shower and she always beats me to it. My husband is always in the other bathroom for years.

I try to lay down the law like a legit parent but she always feeds me some bullshit line like, "But I still have to read and it's getting late and I feel so gross."
I relent, "OK, but make it quick."
"OK," she says.

But she never makes it quick. She makes it the opposite of quick. She stays in the shower forever. I don't know what she does in there. After 15 minutes I'll knock on the door. She screams, "I'm almost done. I'm washing my hair." By almost done, she means 10 more minutes.

If I knock on the door at 15 minutes in and she screams, "I'm shaving my legs!" I know to just give up. I might as well sponge bathe in the kitchen sink. She always comes out with a towel on her head and one around her body. The last clean towels in the house. Every time.

"You took too long," I scowl. She rolls her eyes. Punching urges happen. Then I get to take a shower. It's always lukewarm for 2 minutes before the water gets cold. I rinse my hair in cold water. Then I step out and dry myself off with whatever token damp towel is hanging on the hook. I guess this towel is dry enough.

The sad thing is that it doesn't even bother me anymore. I've accepted it. This is what my life is. But last night I took a LONG hot hotel shower. No one interrupted me. It was glorious. Then I pulled the towel from the rack. It was so dry. I know 28 strangers probably used it before me but screw it. Hotels are so gross. I think everything is covered in invisible jizzle and e.coli poop particles.

Yesterday was a nice vacation from my regular routine. Speaking of vacations, we are going on our cruise in less than 3 weeks. I feel a little overwhelmed with it. I printed packing lists, am working on getting all the kid's homework they need to turn in and need to get a ton of stuff in order at work for when I'm gone. I need a vacation to recover from getting ready from this vacation. First world problems.

1 comment:

  1. On the bright side its supposed to be really healthy for your hair to rinse in cold water.
