Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Falling in Love with the Chik-fil-a Man

  Last week, I was home with my girls on Spring Break. I was folding laundry and I expected the children to entertain themselves for a few hours. They had been fed, they have various toys at their disposal, they are 5 and 7 – I don't feel like this was an unreasonable expectation. I told them if they could be good that I would take them to Chik-fil-a and get them milkshakes. Yes, I reward my kids with frozen sugar milk.

Somehow when I ask my kids to play together nicely, I invoke some kind of sick reverse psychology. My children could not get along for 2 seconds. “Mom, C won't let me in her room.” “Mom, W took my notebook.” “Mom, I don't want W to look at me. Tell her to stop LOOKING at me!” I can only referee for so long before I lose my mind and turn into a screaming mad woman. I got up and stood at the the doorway and screamed unintelligibly about loving each other and cooperating and sharing. I know that they weren't listening but I figured it was better than throwing things or just leaving the house and driving into the abyss.

I finished the clothes folding and told the kids to put their shoes on so we could go to Chick-fil-a. Did they deserve to go to Chick-fil-a? Absolutely not, but I needed it. Plus, I thought we needed to get out of the house. Rewarding bad behavior? Bad mom award for me. I decided that we would go through the drive thru so that I didn't have to make the effort to look presentable.

I order my milkshakes and the 19 year old at the drive thru asks how I am doing and I tell him I am well, and he turns to my children and he asks them how they are doing. They say nothing and smile shyly. I say, “They are driving their mom crazy today.” The guy turns to them and says, “You better be nice to your mom. Your mom loves you and she gets you milkshakes.” Yeah – I thought, you tell 'em. He hands me my cups of frozen sugar milk and I smile and thank him and drive away. I pass back the milkshakes and my 5 year old makes the most bizarre statement ever. “Mom, you are in love with the man at the Chik-fil-a.” I was taken aback about this. “What are you talking about?” “You were smiling at him and he was smiling at you and so you are in love and that is not nice to daddy.” “W, I am not in love with the Chik-fil-a man.” “Yes, you are” “No, I'm not. I can't smile at someone?” “You smile at people you are in love with.” Whatever. It is useless to argue with her. So now I am in love with the Chick-fil-a man and he is in love with me.

The Chick-fil-a man probably already has a 19 year old girlfriend who shaves her legs on a regular basis and I have my husband who has works a 9-5. We live in different worlds. Alas, we can never be together.......

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