Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just Be Lazy

I can count on my house to be clean only one day out of the week. On Friday afternoon. We pay to have our house cleaned once a week. Best money I ever spent. I am pretty sure if we didn't have the house cleaned weekly my toilets would be filled with mold and my feet would stick to the floor and I would have toothpaste permanently crusted on the sinks. It's not that we are slobs at all, but in order to have a clean house it must be cleaned constantly or be devoid of children. Not gonna happen. Every Friday I come home to clean floors, a beautiful kitchen and the smell of Lysol.Yet somehow by Saturday evening, my house is a mess again.

There is just not enough time in the day. We are on the go constantly so we kind of just drop everything and move on to the next thing. It is so easy for everything to pile up and then we feel like we are drowning. I really try to make an effort to keep up with things throughout the week. Some days are better than others. I try to pick-up for at least 20 minutes at the end of the day. My husband HATES that I do that.

Cleaning up the house at the end of the day is the last thing he wants to do. I don't blame him and I don't expect him to help me on week nights. He works longer hours than I do so it's fine and I don't nag him. He will lay in bed and try to coax me to stop what I'm doing. "Don't do that now! Come lay down, just relax." I usually roll my eyes. It's not that he wants me to relax, he just doesn't want to feel guilty that I am cleaning and he is not. He thinks that it makes him look sexist and lazy when I am cleaning and he is relaxing. The guilt is not enough to make him get up and help me, just for him to try to convince me to be lazy together. I feed into this and will say things like, "Honey, I am going downstairs. Would you like me to make you a sandwich?"

He cleans on the weekend though like a mofo. He cleaned the garage today, he mows, he takes out the trash. I think that's adequate. But as soon as the mowing and the trash clearing and the laundry is done you turn around and it's time to do it all over again, and again, and again. For years. The saying, "Cleaning your house while the children are growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing" is so true. It could be our family motto for Gods sake! At least I have Fridays. Right now though -  I need to go finish the dishes.

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