Friday, October 19, 2012

Pregnant Time

 It's not me. I am not pregnant. Learned my lesson. Twice. We have some friends who we have been speculating for the past few years when they would start having babies. Well, mostly I speculate and I draw my husband into my crazy musings. Why do I care at all? Because I think people that have potential to be amazing parents should procreate prolifically for the future of our country. It's a civic duty! I ask people when they are going to have babies all the time. My husband thinks I am horribly inappropriate. "Do you know that you are pretty much asking them when they are going to quit birth control?" He just has to deal with it. I can't help that I am horribly inappropriate. He knew that when he married me.

So I am sitting at work on Monday and I hear my phone beep under my pile of paperwork and I pulled it out and there was a text from my hubby. "They're pregnant!" I let out a "whoop" and threw my arms in the air as if my favorite team scored a touchdown. I live vicariously through my friends and family members who are having babies because it makes the baby itch stay away for me.

I am always so jealous of beautiful, glowing pregnant women. I was not one of those. The first time around I just puked for 6 months. To the point of having to go to the hospital for IV fluids. I looked bloated and pale and gross. They say that if you are pregnant with a girl that they steal your beauty. That was so true for me. I decided to give it a second chance and it was the same. Maybe that was Gods way of limiting my family size. When people ask if I'm having more kids, I say, "No - I like sleep and I really hate vomiting every day."

I work with new moms and babies so I also get a pretty big dose of reality every day. Once you have a baby you are ushered into the world of carseats and peri-bottles. It's different. One would think it would be easy to have a baby. You feed them, change a few diapers and then they sleep the rest of the time, right? If only it could be that easy. One week with a new baby can make you look like a homeless person. You don't know what day it is. You forget if you brushed your teeth that day. hahaha. It's an amazing and humbling experience. I have held thousands of babies over the years and I always imagine what their life will be like. Am I holding a future president or perhaps a saint? A new baby is full of endless possibilities in a way that is hard to comprehend. When I am holding a new baby, I flash back to my babies and what it felt like to hold their tiny bodies close to mine and the smell of their milky breath. There is only 1 piece of unsolicited advice that I give new parents. "Relax! Hold your baby and enjoy this time because it goes by in an instant." As much as I love babies- I am always glad to hand them back to their mothers.

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