Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Car Wreck

I work at a museum 4-8 hours a month on Saturdays. This past Saturday was a museum day and my husband was planning to take the kids to Disney on Ice. It was going to be a nice day.

I am at work and in the middle of giving a tour and my co-worker came up to me and said, "I'm taking over your tour. You need to call your husband." She kind of shrugged like she didn't know why. I was very concerned because he NEVER calls me at the museum. I called him and the first words out of his mouth were, "Honey, I've been in a bad accident." I knew he had the kids with him and fear took over my body in a way that I can't even explain. It felt like the blood drained from my body and my knees were week. "The kids are they okay?" "Yes." "You are sure?" "Yes." "So, they are okay?" "Yes, come get us." I went where he told me to go. As I drove by I could see this mangled car. OUR mangled car. My kids jumped out when I arrived. They were telling on their dad, "Mom, dad crashed the car. It's really broken." My husband sat in the passengers side with his legs hanging out - kind of sad and slumped over and defeated. I kissed him. "It's only a car. Thank God everyone is okay. Next time tell me that you and the kids are okay BEFORE you tell me you had a car accident." 

He rear ended a truck that stopped suddenly in front of him in stop and go traffic. He drives a Kia station wagon that is low to the ground and was only going 10 mph but the back of that truck pretty much ripped off the entire front of his car. He waited for the tow and I took the kids to Disney on Ice.

When I got home my husband was so upset. "Man, this is going to be so expensive." "It's okay, we can eat lots of spaghetti for the rest of the month." My husband always complains about MY driving and we always debate which one of us is the better driver. He thinks I drive to slow (I am law abiding and do follow the speed limit) and I don't check my blind spot in a way that he likes. He'll jokingly say, "You are such a woman driver." I laugh, "I will get us home in enough time to make you a sandwich, dear." Anyway, I knew that this was my chance. "So, I just want you to admit I am a better driver than you." He looked at me like I was crazy. "If you compare our driving records...." He put his head down, "Okay, you're a better driver." My poor hubby.  

Even though we were kind of bummed about the car - no one in the family had a scratch on their beautiful little bodies. I was so grateful and thankful for that. As for my husband,  he gets to drive a rockin' Volkswagon all week - so it's not all bad.  Let the spaghetti eating commence!

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