Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Making It Rain at the Grocery Store


I have been spending WAY too much money on groceries lately. I used to be so good and clip coupons and make my plan and stick to it, but this year I have been out of control. I have a shopping problem. A grocery shopping problem. I walk around that store and pick out stuff like I'm a Rockefeller, like I have money to burn.

I still make my plan so we have stuff for meals but I will walk around and be like "These $6 bags of apples look delish", "This Publix recipe look yummy - let me buy $20 worth of ingredients for one meal." Well, if you do that enough times you overspend big time. Ugggh. Then I get to the register and I am always nervous.
This is me watching the screen as the groceries ring up:

 I am always SHOCKED that it is so much money. Then when I drive home I start to hate myself and think, "I should have just planned for us to have grilled cheese and tomato soup instead of salmon in a white-wine artichoke and sun dried tomato sauce." Who do I think I am? Jamie Oliver? The sad thing is - we eat out AT LEAST one night a week and we pay for the kids to get school lunch. It's really becoming unacceptable.

I do only shop at Publix and people are always like, "Just shop at Walmart." I just can't do it. I am a Publix snob. I am not ashamed to say it. I have been going to the same Publix every week for the past 5 years and I know all the people that work there. The produce man asks about the kids. They always are so helpful. I love Publix. HARD. What the price is there is what I pay. Its just the way it is.

I am going to try REALLY hard this week to do better. I have considered leaving my debit card at home and just bringing cash or writing inspirational money-saving quotes and taping them to my grocery list. I mean, really - I am out of control. I need help. I have a problem.

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