Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bad at Making Memories

It's been a crazy week. I barely know what day it is. School started this week. I was so excited for the kids. I got up early on Monday and the kids were ready to get going. They wanted to take a shower and I told them that it needed to be quick. I was very careful with my 7 year old.

Early in the morning and right before bed she can be a little scary. If you say the wrong thing to her, she will go off the deep end. Seriously. If you tell her to hurry up (even nicely) she will throw her hands in the air and scream and say things like, "WHY DON'T YOU EVER GIVE ME ANY TIME?!?" Then she will cry and will make you late and then cry that everyone blames her for making them late. It's uber annoying. So if you need to hurry her along you need to be gentle. Also, you need to avoid eye-contact. If you look at her the wrong way she will pout and yell "STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!" She reminds me of my little sister. She is just evil in the morning.

So she got up fine. She got in the shower. I avoided eye contact with her. It was good. They got into their new outfits and we were having a good day. That's just what I wanted on the first day of school. We were sitting around the breakfast table and my oldest child said something to her sister she she went off. She hit her, she screamed and then went in the other room and sat on the couch and cried. I turned to my 9 year old, "You should know by now not to talk to, look at, or be near your sister in the morning."

I finally got her calm enough to get a picture. The looked so cute. I got each of them separately and then I asked them to get together. Big mistake. My youngest said something and her sister shoved her hard and so she kicked her in the shin. They both started crying. I almost asked them why they were ruining our first day of school memories, but I bit my tongue because that is such a mean thing to say. So I just thought it in my head. Bad Mom Award.

Then they refused to stand next to each other. I told them that's fine but when they grow up and they wonder where the pictures are of their first day of 2nd and 4th grade are, I am going to tell them that they were fighting and being mean. They decided to put their differences aside and let me get a picture.

We loaded into the car and I walked them in. They ditched me in the front lobby. "Have a good day girls, I love you!!" I am sure they couldn't hear me - they were already disappearing into the crowd of children. I hesitated for a moment before I left the school. I don't know why, maybe a piece of me deep down thought they would come back and give me a hug. I felt a tightness in my throat, but the moment passed.

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