Friday, July 31, 2015

Making it Through the Day

It was a long week. The days went by fast but the week was long. I keep so busy shuffling the kids between the water park and different activities.

My eleven year old has been playing Jeckyll and Hyde this week. On Tuesday night I suggested that we do something together. Maybe play a game. My youngest was excited. My oldest was like:
           Eye Roll Feminism animated GIF
"I'm just going to go bed." Whatever. Take your crappy attitude and go to bed. Later, I went into her room and she was browsing Pinterest. That's her favorite thing. "Mom, look what I just found on Pinterest. It's only $26. Will you buy it for me?"

Anyway, I walk in and sit on the edge of her bed. She looks up at me, annoyed. "Why are you in here?"
Because it's my house.
"I just wanted to see what's up."
"Ugggh. Go away. You're bothering me."
"Alright. Good night then, don't leave your lights on."

The next day she was okay. She was neutral. Her sister had a sleepover and it was just us. She was being whiny and asking us to buy games for the computer. We said no. That led to an all-out tween tantrum. Above and beyond what was usual. I went to bed and she followed me in the bedroom, crying. Finally, I'd had enough.

"What is wrong with you?"
"You love W more than me because you do more things with her."
"Like what?"
"Like playing with her the other night."
"I offered for you to play too but you didn't want to."
"That's not true!"
"Yes it is."
"Well,  you never come into my room to talk."
"I always come into your room to talk."
"Not last night. You just left."
"You told me to go away and that I was bothering you."
"I didn't REALLY want you to go away."
                          Confused Frustrated animated GIF
"It's okay. Come lay down. Let's talk."

She cried some more. And kept crying. And kept crying. "Honey, you have to stop crying."
"Buuut....I can't. I'm trying. I just can't." Being a tween girl is the worst. Lord help us. Somebody stop this roller coaster because I am ready to get off.

Today, she was totally over it. We went to the grocery store -just the two of us. She helped with the shopping, unloaded the car, was pleasant and didn't roll her eyes ONE TIME. She even hugged me in public. Stop the presses. I try to appreciate days like this because you never know who she might be the next day. We're working through it.

This evening we went to get book bags. My nine year old was infuriating. "None of these are my style."
"Oh yeah, what is your style?"
"Like black and different patterns."
My 11 year old interjected. "Are you trying to be emo or something? Anyway, you can't like black because I like black."
"Since when do you like black?" I asked.
She shrugged. "I'm trying to re-invent myself."
This child is out of control. Re-invent yourself? Where did she even hear that.

Besides re-inventing her style, she is excited because she got invited to a birthday party next weekend. I texted the mom and asked, "Do you have any gift suggestions?"
"She really wants a little live bird."
I know this lady. I thought she was joking and being funny.
"You want ME to get her a live bird?"
"Absolutely. Thx so much."
I was like:

I think I just committed to getting this child a live bird. WTH. I told my husband about it. "You can't just get a bird. Doesn't it need a cage?"
"It's getting a makeshift cage and like, 2 days worth of food. That's it."

I don't know how I let this happen. You can't just run into a random store and get a bird. You need to research and talk to the people and learn about it's care. I can't just show up with a random bird and be like, "I don't know what to do with this thing. Good luck!" It seems like more work that I want to put in for a birthday gift. Poo.

Anyway, between the bird, the tween mood swings and my fourth grader making declarations of re-inventing herself - I'm done for the week. I'm pretty sure that I've lost control of my life.

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