Why am I blogging right now? Aren't I supposed to be on a family vacation at Disney? Well, I am alone in my hotel room with a sleeping child. Our Disney trip has been an adventure so far. We left early yesterday morning. The kids were soooo excited. They could barely contain themselves. It was raining when we left and it rained all the way down. Our 6 hour trip turned into 8. For about 2 hours of our trip we drove through torrential rain. It was so bizarre - it would be clear for 2 minutes and then for 30 minutes you could barely see the road. It was scary because you either drove through it or pulled over and risk being rear-ended by a semi truck. The kids were napping during this down pour thank goodness because I'm sure I would have freaked them out with my craziness. I was so anxious - my husband was driving and I was practically chewing on the dash board. At one point I was reciting "Our Father" out loud - which I'm sure was very unnerving to my husband. We got here alive which was awesome!
We show up to the resort and it is beautiful and fun and our room has Mickey mouse blankets and carpet. There is Mickey Mouse on the soap and a huge Mickey right outside our room. We went to Downtown Disney last night and shopped and ate at this Irish restaurant. They had live music - traditional Irish musical with a fiddle. They had dancers to watch while we ate. It was like River Dance. They pulled the girls up on stage with some other kids and taught them some dances. It was truly an experience! When we got back we were pooped and ready for bed. However, our room key did not work at all. We waited in the cold for 30 minutes for someone to let us in. We finally drifted off to sleep.
We woke up super early this morning and loaded the bus for the Magic Kingdom. We got there at 7 am and it felt like we had the whole park to ourselves. The girls heard a story with Belle, went to the new Little Mermaid ride, we rode Space Mountain, the rockets, the tea cups, the Jungle Cruise, Magic Carpets, Pirates of the Carribean. We pretty much had no wait at all - we just walked on the rides. It was awesome and very magical! By noon it was getting crowded so we decided to go back to the resort and take a nap and chill out for the afternoon. We had a 6:30 reservation so we planned to go back for dinner, ride a few more rides, watch a parade and end the night with fireworks. The perfect end to the perfect day.
The kids napped for a few hours and we packed up to go back for an evening of fun! As soon as we walked back into the park my youngest daughter complained of a tummy ache. I assumed she was crampy from being hungry so we headed straight for the restaurant. It was PACKED. We sat down and got drinks and they served us rolls and salad. My daughter sat in my lap eating bread and that's when it happened. A heave - I knew vomit was coming. It's amazing how many thoughts can go through ones head in a split second because I thought - how am I going to avoid her getting this vomit all over herself and not ruin everyone else's magical Disney dining experience? So I turn her and lean her forward and I cup my hand under her mouth to catch the vomit. Right at the dinner table. A little got on the floor but most of it was in my hand. She didn't even have a spot on her face. I calmly emptied my vomit-y hand into a napkin and covered the floor with another napkin. Then we walked over to the bathroom. My poor baby had tears streaming down her face. I patted down her face and lips with a wet cloth and we washed out her mouth. We went back the the table. My hubby looked grossed out.
"I am going to take her back. You guys have a fun time." I kissed my oldest and I carried my little one back to the buses. As we walked we watched Cinderellas castle all lit up and it began to "snow". There were performers in the street. She laid her head on my shoulder. When we got back to the hotel room, I stripped her down to get in the shower. I was a little bit disappointed that we were missing the evening with the other half of the family. My daughter said to me, "Mom - this was the best day ever....except for when I puked." I kissed the top of her head, "What was your favorite part?" She thought for a moment - I expected her to say the rides or the princess or the food. She said, "Just being with my family." So sweet.
I ask everyone to please say a prayer of healing for my child so that she can enjoy the rest of our vacation. Because even in the most perfect, magical place of earth - vomit can still happen.