Friday, September 20, 2013

Blue Lights

 I have been kind of unplugged for a week. It's been good. We took the kids to Great Wolf Lodge last weekend which was sooooo stinkin' fun. It should really be called Drain-your-bank-account-Lodge. haha. The kids really enjoyed it and it was nice to just get away.

This week has gone by slow. I picked the girls up early yesterday and took them with me to run errands and to get ice cream. We were driving home and all of a sudden I see blue lights behind me, pulling me over. I thought my light was out or something. So I pulled over and got all my crap out. The cop comes up to my window. "Do you know how fast you were going?" I looked at him like he had 2 heads. "Yeah, I was going 35." He said, "Well, the speed limit is 25." What the hell. "But the only speed limit sign I've seen in this area says 35." He said, "Well, residential areas are 25 mph in this county. The main road is 35 mph." The main road is also residential and is only one lane in either direction but whatever. I handed him my license and registration and as he is walking away from the car my 7 year old says - while my window is down, extremely loud - "You should have said, 'IN YOUR FACE', Officer." I turned around with quickly, "Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND?" I'm sure he heard her and probably thinks I'm raising my children to be disrespectful to police officers. He wrote me a warning because I thought I was going to the speed limit. Whatever.

Fast forward to this morning, I got pulled over again. I shit you not. Different area, different county. On my way to take the kids to school. I was not in a good mood. The guys said I was going 32 in a 25. I lost it on this police officer. "Well officer, there are no speed limit signs in this entire area. Residential areas in city are 30 mph, is my understanding." He shrugged, "Well, in the older part of the city, that is the case. In this area it is 25 and in the newer neighborhoods, some of the areas are 15 mph and others are 20 mph." My God, 15 mph? My car idles at 15 mph. They might as well have a sign that says, "In this area, we're are going to need you to put your car in neutral, get out and push it the rest of the way." Good God. I looked at this police officer like he was speaking Chinese to me. "Well, if it's not clearly posted what am I supposed to do? Read minds? I have a little suggestion- maybe you could take all this money you are collecting from writing speeding tickets to people going 7 miles over the speed limit and invest in some clearly marked street signs." He was like, "I understand your frustration, but unfortunately that is the responsibility of the DOT." "Well, perhaps the city can send out notices to everyone with a map of the city that shows what the speed limit is where. This is absolutely RIDICULOUS, and now my children are late to school." Doesn't he have crack heads and thugs to worry about? Maybe some wife beaters and robbers to chase down? No, punishing a mostly nice, tax-paying mom for going 7 miles over the imaginary speed limit instead. He wrote me a warning. I was so irritated. Bunk-it. I am not leaving the house today. Is it too early for a Diet Coke?

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