Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It Was a Bad Morning

Oh! The joys of waking up and getting ready for school in the morning! My nine year old has been especially demonic in the morning this week. I can't even deal with it. She got up at 5:30 today, took a shower, got dressed and then decided she wanted to download an app. It wasn't working and she was getting mad about it so she decided she was going to be grumpy. She is not a morning person.

She sat down at the breakfast table and took one look at her food and said. "I hate oatmeal and I hate you all." Then she crossed her arms and glared at us.
I think that was a little unreasonable. We ignored her for a few minutes until it became clear that she didn't plan to eat. "Eat your breakfast."
"You need to eat."
"You don't care if I starve!" she hissed.
I should have just given up. I should have not cared. However, I could just imagine her sitting in class hungry with her stomach growling and I could not stand it. Punishing me by punishing herself by not eating? That is some sick, twisted, manipulative s**t right there.

I didn't have much time to deal with that because my eleven year old came downstairs in a rage. "Where is my purple mechanical pencil?" she demanded.
"I don't know. It's your pencil."
"I can't find it! It's my friend's pencil. I need to give it back to her!"
She turned to her sister, "You have it! I know you took it!"
The two of them bickered back and forth. Then she screamed that we had to stop what we were doing and help her find this mechanical pencil. You know, because the world revolves around her.

"I have to leave in 15 minutes. I am eating breakfast right now and having a cup of coffee. You are responsible for keeping track of your own things. I am not spending time looking for a pencil this morning."
She sat down at the table and cried.
                                         Sad Crying animated GIF
My husband  and I sat there at the table, casually sipping our coffee while one child had a nervous break down and the other continued to scowl and give us the death stare. He turned to me and very calmly asked, "What is happening to our lives?" Good question. I'd been awake less than an hour and was already questioning my will to live.

After breakfast, my daughter found the purple pencil upstairs. I grabbed a granola bar for my youngest to eat in the car. Even though, according to her, I don't care if she starves. I was glad to drop her off at school.

This evening was a little better. The kids only argued with each other eight times. I ignored them like the horrible mother that I am. I was tired. I laid down in bed at 8:45.

My eleven year old came in and said, "Mom, can you do me a favor? Can you do downstairs and get my notebook paper. It's dark."
"No. I'm tired. I was just down there."
She didn't argue with me. "Well, have you seen my purple mechanical pencil?"
"I thought you gave it back to your friend."
"I forgot."

After all that, she forgot to give that damn pencil back. "Seriously, if that pencil comes back into this house after tomorrow I am going to throw it in the garbage. I can't deal with hearing about it anymore." She did not like that statement. "You're mean." Bad Mom Award.

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