Friday, May 11, 2012

She Loves Me

 A few weeks ago, my youngest came home with a invitation cordially inviting me to have tea in her classroom to celebrate Mother's Day. She was so excited but she wouldn't tell me about it. “It's a surprise.”

I show up to her classroom and all the moms are lined up and I step up and the teacher calls my daughter and she comes over with this huge shining smile and a tissue flower. She hands it to me and takes my hand and leads me to her desk. “I made this myself, just for you,” she whispered in my ear.

When all the moms were in the room the kids went to the front and sang us some songs. So adorable. They sang this one song that was slightly creepy, “I wish I had a little red box to put my mommy in, I'd take her out and go *kiss *kiss *kiss and put her back again.....” I hope this box has all the modern amenities that I'm used to. Hope there's not a basket and lotion involved. :/ Hostage taking kindergarteners. It was very cute though. I always tell me kids that I wish I could carry them around in my pocket, so I'm equally as creepy.

After the singing they served us tea and cookies and they showed a powerpoint. The teachers took pictures of all the kids and put it with audio of what they love about their mom. It was funny to see what the kids said. Most said “I love my mom because she buys me X, or because she takes me X, or because she let's me do X....” I was wondering what my little one would say. I didn't want her to say she loves me for buying her stuff or letting her eat junk. So her little picture came up and you could hear her tiny voice say, “I love my mom because she loves me.” I pretty much just melted into a big puddle.

Then we got our gifts. She made me this pretty clay container in art that will now live on my kitchen window sill forever. She also did a portrait of me:

Hahaha. I love it. She gave me a Jay Leno chin but I do love my voluptuous lips and jewelry. She wrapped her arm around my neck and said, “I love you so much, Mom.” These girls have my heart – I want to just carry them around in my pocket.

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