Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sick Daze III

On Friday my daughter woke up again with a fever. We were on day 10 of fever, she had been on 2 antibiotics and the kid has been diagnosed with a sinus infection had been tested for everything from strep, flu, and mono. All negative. So I called the doctor again and we went for our 3rd office visit that week. My daughter, although she's had fever, has been acting normal. She BEGGED me to go to school. "I have to read, and learn and be with my friends..." I explained to her that they wouldn't let her stay with a fever and she gave me a dirty look as if that was my fault.

We went to the doctor and did the same song and dance. Her weight, her temp, her pulse. We saw a new physician who diagnosed pneumonia  put her on a new cocktail of antibiotics and sent us to the hospital for chest x-rays.

Off we went. We checked in and the admin person doing the intake asked me a lot of questions about her illness and she said, "I'm sorry, but she's going to have to wear a mask." She pulls out this kids mask that has Disney characters on it. My poor child put it around her ears and I helped adjust it. She thought it was kind of funny. They sent us back to the waiting area and people were staring at her like, "Don't sit down next to me." I whispered in her ear, "If anyone asks, tell them you have SARS. It will freak them out." She laughed. We sat and waited. I said, "You know, if you wore the mask everywhere we could probably clear places out and have it all to ourselves." "Like the movies?" "Yeah."

They called us back and did her x-rays and then we were done. It was time to pick up my little one from school.

We got there and were walking out when my little one said, "Mom, a spider bit me." She pulled up her pant leg to reveal a red welt under her knee. "We'll take care of it when we get home." Lord help me. I underestimated that bug bite. To be continued.....


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