Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Another Father's Day has come and gone. It was uneventful - I made a big breakfast for my husband and my dad and we relaxed. I kept telling my husband to take a nap. "I don't want to take a nap, why do I have to take a nap?" "Because it's Father's Day and you need to rest." He rolled his eyes at me. I just wanted him to relax, he works so hard and he's such a good daddy.

Every Father's Day we tell the story of his first ever Father's Day. I was 9 months pregnant with my oldest child so I thought it was appropriate to celebrate. We decided to go to IHOP for breakfast. I remember this event vividly because it was so horrible. We waited forever to be seated and when we finally were there were crumbs on the table. Our waitress was a pink haired, middle-aged woman and she took our order and left. Another server took us our drinks and food and we didn't see anyone for the rest of the meal. We needed re-fills and no one came. It took forever to get our check. I was so annoyed. We finally paid and my husband was trying to pull up out of my seat because I was hugely pregnant. The waitress turned to my husband and said, "I would wish you a Happy Father's Day, but I don't know if you are the father." What? It took a minute for it to sink in. I took the tip off the table (she really didn't deserve one anyway due to the awful service) and left a penny under the glass. That is the only time I didn't tip a server. I was so offended. We will think about that waitress forever on Father's Day, I imagine.

I am so lucky that my husband is such an awesome dad. He is one of the most involved dads I know. He is the kid's favorite. Which makes me a little bit jealous. He is fun and laid back. He initiates pillow fights often and takes them outside. He paints nails and checks homework. He cleans up boo-boos, he takes them to birthday parties. I travel for work a bit and he holds it down. He picks up the kids, feeds them, gets them to bed and makes it look so easy. He can do anything that I can do. The girls adore him. He is just an all-around awesome parent. He is a partner in parenting which I love, it makes my life so much easier. He is everything you could want in a dad and more.

Then you have my dad who lives a mile away, which is awesome. I see my dad 1-3 times a week. I adore him! He is so funny and helpful. He always is so glad to see us and the kids. He loves to hang out with the children and he lives in the moment. I wish I could be more like him. My husband's dad died almost 7 years ago and it was hard for him but he has gotten super close to my dad. He hangs out with my dad and they talk  4 times a week. He's like OUR dad which is nice. We see him so often he is like part of our immediate family. My girls are lucky to have such amazing men in their lives and I am so lucky too!!!

Even though he's not 45, this reminds me of my husband. He needs a new weedwacker....

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