Sunday, June 9, 2013

Magic School Bus

Friday was family movie night and we all gathered around and tried to decide on a Movie. This is not always easy and this time it was incredibly hard. Anything my husband and I suggested the kids shot down, anything they wanted we protested. "No, we are not watching the Scooby Doo movie for the 18th time!!" We continued to skip through the selections and the kids saw The Magic School Bus. "Magic School Bus! Magic School Bus!" My husband said, "NO WAY!" My oldest whined, "Come on, you've never even seen it. Just give it a chance." I had to laugh. "Sweetie, mom and dad watched Magic School Bus when WE were kids. That show is an oldie." She said, "It's an oldie but goodie." I turned to my husband, "Let's just watch a few episodes, it will be nostalgic." He was reluctant but agreed. Friday night + Magic School Bus = awesomeness.

The episode started and they were learning about space so they took the Magic Schoolbus to visit the solar system. My husband looked very skeptical, "That teacher is very irresponsible. She just takes kids on field trips and doesn't even send home permission slips for parents to sign. I would have a problem with that." He gave commentary the whole time. "You know, if they got that close to the sun they would disintegrate. They wouldn't be able to stand on the surface of Mars." I laughed, "It's a kids cartoon from the 90's, not a NASA instructional video." They finally made their way to Pluto. "You know guys, when we were little Pluto used to be a planet." They looked at me like I was weird. I still think Pluto is a planet. Some things are hard to unlearn.

At the end of the episode they showed an astrologer on his roof looking through his telescope. He had a computer up there with wires and extension cords everywhere. My husband was laughing, "My God, there were no wireless computers then, and look at the floppy disk drive. Technology has come a long way." Then the man picked up a phone and my daughter was like, "Why is that phone so big?" We laughed. Life was simpler and phones were bigger then.

The second episode they took a trip inside one of the kid's digestive system. We were pretty sucked in at this point. The bus made it to the kid's large intestines and they were driving through poop particles and poop was falling all around them. I was very grossed out. My husband was very offended, "It they travel into the rectum, we are turning this off." They decided to go back up through his mouth thankfully but we were pretty traumatized at that point.

Next movie night, the parents get to pick.

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