Sunday, June 2, 2013

Worst Mom Ever

                                   Funny Retro Mom Greeting Card
So this is the story of how I lost my kids at the movies. A great example of my stellar parenting. I didn't intend to lose them, if that makes it any better.

Friday was the last day of school and the kids got out early. I had a mountain of work to do and I told them if they behaved and let me do my work I would take them to go see Epic in the late afternoon. I got caught up and we ended up leaving a few minutes later than I expected. When we got there the lady said that the movie was going to start in 1 minute. Since I didn't have enough time to go to the store to buy candy to put down my pants to sneak in, I told the kids I'd buy drinks and popcorn. My daughter asked me if they could go watch the movie, since it was starting and I could get the popcorn. I didn't see this as being a problem, she's in fourth grade - it would only take a few minutes. I walked with them down to the theater and we picked out seats. The movie had just started. I asked them what they wanted to drink. They gave me their order and settled into their seats. "I'll be right back." I walked to the concession stand and just as I got there the lights started blinking and an alarm sounded. A voice came over the intercom that everyone needed to evacuate the building. FML. So I walked back to the movie theater which was around the corridor and at the end of the hallway and no one was in there. Including my children. Worst mom ever. The worker told me I needed to leave so I went to the front of the theater and I'm looking around and didn't see them. The theater we were in was at the back of the building so I began to walk around the side. I saw a group of people coming and there were the kids just walking along, holding hands. They didn't seem upset at all, they were like, "Hey mom, what's up?"

I asked them what happened and my oldest daughter said, "Well the fire alarm went off and they said we had to leave. So I took W's hand and said, 'Let's go.' She was worried about you but I said we would find you later. So I grabbed her hand and took her out the door." She handled that very well, I was glad to know that she wasn't willing to stay in a fiery blaze to wait for me. I still felt horrible. This lady was there with her 6 year old standing next to me looking at me like I was the most horrible mother on earth.

The firemen showed up and went through the building and during this time the 6 year old of the lady who thought I was the worst mom ever, was talking and playing with my kids. When all was clear, we all went to get popcorn together and sat down to enjoy the movie, which they re-started. After the movie we were walking out and the little 6 year old girl ran over to me and said, "Can I have a play date with your kids?" I said sure, and I texted her mom my phone number. Her mom half smiled at me, it will be a cold day in hell if she ever calls us for a play date. No mom wants to hang out with the worst mom ever. It's her kids loss because my kids are awesome!

I just need to stop going to the movies. I win the bad mom award every time I go!

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