Monday, January 26, 2015

Worst Gymnastics Mom Ever

My daughter had her first gymnastics competition on my birthday. I feel like it's all she's been talking about since the beginning of December. She's been so nervous about it. To the point that it's been annoying me. Everyday I had to hear this: "What if I mess up? What if I forget my routine? I'm so nervous." Every day I would assure her that it would be fine.

I woke her up at 5:30 am on Saturday to get ready. We ate breakfast together and headed to the gym. I didn't really know what to expect. I have never seen her do gymnastics except when she is doing cartwheels at home and breaking shit. Her gym doesn't allow parents in practice and I'm horrible and never talk to the other gymnastics moms. When we got to the competition, I didn't understand how the scoring worked. I tried to listen to the people around me to get an idea.

We watched our daughter and I thought she did excellently. I was literally on the edge of my seat, biting my nails as I watched her on the balance beam and the bars. After all the kids competed (after what seemed like forever), they did the awards. They did individual categories and then overall scores. We watched as the did the awards for the younger girls, then it was her age group.

The lady on the microphone said, "Your first place winner in vault is...." Then she called my daughter's name. She got up on the tall blue podium and they placed a ribbon and medal around her neck. She stood up tall, with her head in the air and her shoulders held back. My heart swelled with pride. She placed 4th in bars, and 5th in floor and won third place overall. We were cheering and clapping. You would have thought my child won the Olympics. I was like:
I did it. I cried like a little beeotch. It's a thing that I do. I am a crier. I literally am a bucket of tears. Crying is my default response to any emotion or event. I cry when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am inspired, when I am frustrated, when I am angry, when I am sleepy, when I pass gas. I get teary eyed at LEAST 5 times a day. Easily.

Music makes me cry. God forbid the Cat's in the Cradle comes on the radio, I will ugly cry like someone just died. If I see someone helping an old lady cross the street, I will cry and think That is so nice. I cry when I see other people cry. I cry at movies. Loudly. It's a curse. My husband might tell you that it's because I am emotionally unstable but I think it's because I am in touch with my sensitive side.

Commercials are the freaking worst. Thank God we don't have cable. The latest commercial to illicit sobs from me is this one: many tears. Oh my God. I love dads. They are the best.

I showed my husband. He didn't cry. He looked at me like I was crazy. "It's a soap commercial. They are emotionally manipulating you." I wiped tears from under my eyes, "They are really good, because it's totally working."

If you can watch the videos below in their entirety and not cry once, you might not have a soul. You can thank me later for the torture.

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