Monday, June 22, 2015

A Very Haunted Father's Day

My husband couldn't name one thing he wanted for Father's Day this year. Not one. So I bought him a weed wacker. He's been talking about getting a new weed wacker for the longest time. He had a crappy electric one that broke and he was always complaining about the string and the extension cord. So I bought a really nice gas one the a head that uses blades instead of string. I thought it was a good gift.

My husband - not so much.
"It's nice but it's not really a gift."
"Yes it is."
"It's a chore. How would you like if I got you a chore item for a gift?"
"I got a steam mop for my birthday."
"You wanted that."
"Well, you didn't want anything so that's one more thing than you requested. Besides, it has not string, no cord, and it's a 4-cycle so it will be quicker and easier therefore giving you more time for leisure. I am giving you the gift a time. A priceless commodity that you can't buy..."

He put on his old sneakers and tried it out two minutes later so he couldn't have hated it that much.

Later I went to the state park and swam in the Edisto River with my dad and then we hosted dinner and had cake. It was a nice day.

After everything was cleaned up and the kids were asleep, we went to bed. My husband fell asleep right away but I couldn't sleep. It was 11 o'clock at night and I decided to watch Cold Mountain. I hate the ending but it's a good movie and Jude Law just does it for me. He is so good looking it should be illegal. The credits rolled and I closed my laptop at 1:30 am.

I still was not tired so I laid in bed for a while and fantasized about running into a shirtless Jude Law at the grocery store.

The ceiling fan started acting funny. It was at the highest setting and started going really fast and then suddenly show. I thought it was weird. Then after a little while the wind chimes in my daughters room started going crazy. That was weird. I heard them clinking earlier but they were really going. I felt uneasy. 

I laid there listening to the wind chimes and then all of a sudden LOUD music started booming through the room. "Shine bright like a diamond..."

I startled my husband out of his sleep. He got out of bed to find the origin of the music. It was coming from my daughter's phone that had been charging all night. It was sitting on the desk and was locked. He unlocked the phone and turned it off. 

"Why would music just start playing from her phone all of a sudden?"
"Maybe it's a software problem. Go to sleep."

I was scared. This morning I asked my daughter if her phone randomly plays music. She looked at me like I was crazy. I told her what had happened the night before. 
"It couldn't have played that song."
"That was the song it was playing. It played for a good minute before dad turned it off."
"But mom, that song isn't on my phone at all. Here look at my playlist."

Sure enough it was no where to be found. 

                                                  EditingAndLayout animated GIF

The ghost is back and it likes Rhianna. Scary stuff.

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