Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Busy, Busy

When is the last time I wrote a blog? I don't even know what day it is or who the hell I am anymore.

The past week has been insanely busy. In the past seven days I have done the following:  mopped the house once, cleaned 3 toilets, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher 8 times, been called in idiot in public by my 8 year old, baked 52 white chocolate stuffed sugar cookies, fed the dog 11 times, took my grandmother to breakfast, attended 1 Chik-fil-a school fundraiser, attended 1 evening PTA meeting, attended 1 Valentine's class party, drove to North Carolina to be in and attend my sister's wedding, hosted my brother and his girlfriend in my home for 3 days, hosted my mother in law for dinner 3 evenings, washed & folded & put away 22 loads of laundry - yes TWENTY TWO, went on a bowling excursion with my family, packed 6 lunches, paid 3 bills, drove a child back and forth to 2 gymnastics practices, drove a child back and forth to 2 acting classes, stayed up ALL night 1 time, held a vomit bowl for my child 11 times, changed 2 sets of vomit sheets, changed out 1 vomit comforter, was vomited on 1 time, scrubbed vomit from the rug 1 time, cleaned out a bathtub filled with vomit-water 1 time, rubbed a little tummy for a cumulative 2 hours, went grocery shopping twice, pulled out a molar with my bare hands, helped with 4 math sheets, quizzed for 2 vocab tests and one social studies test, scrubbed dog pee from my carpet 1 time, received countless hugs, kisses and smiles....

I'm not complaining, I am truly blessed. It's all good stuff - mostly- well, except for the vomit. I am just exhausted. I have been powering through. I was glad this evening to FINALLY get a chance to relax. I took my daughter to acting class and then sat in Starbucks for an hour alone and did NOTHING. It was the best thing ever. I had leftovers to heat up for dinner, then I was going to lay down and relax. NOT.

Mothers do not relax. It is not a thing, there is always something to be done, something is dirty, someone needs you. We sat down for dinner at 6 pm and my fifth grader announces, "Mom, we need to go to the store after dinner because I have a project and need modeling clay and stickers." I looked at her like she lost her damn mind. "I'll go tomorrow." Not so fast. "It's a group project and we have to start working on it in class tomorrow." So much for relaxing. "Why do you do this to me?" I asked. She shrugged, "It's your fault, you had kids." I gave her a mean look and replied, "I made you, you better not get smart with me."

After dinner, we loaded into the car. It was dark and I was exhausted but we journeyed out to the Dollar Store and AC Moore anyway. On the way there we went through the list of what we needed to get. I thought it would be quick. We went to the Dollar Store and grabbed the stickers and then went to check out. There was one cashier and we were the third in line. The person checking out purchased what looked like 80 mugs.

The cashier was SLOWLY wrapping each mug individually. I almost lost it.

This was me on the inside:
I left. I will pay $11 for stickers at AC Moore, f*ck this shit.

I went to AC Moore and argued with my daughter about what color sand was needed and found some stickers. We finally made it home 45 minutes later. As soon as I walked through the door, my 8 year old said to me, "Mom, you need to give the dog a bath, she's all muddy...."

Later, I got a phone call from my dad. "Your cousin had a baby," he said proudly. I smiled, "Well, I hope she likes hugs and kisses and hates her sleep and sanity."

That's the mom life...

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