Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun at the Farm


This weekend we took the kids to the corn maze. It's our tradition. This was our 7th visit to the pumpkin patch and corn maze. The weather looked like it was going to be bad but the weather channel said that it wasn't going to rain until the evening, so we decided to make it a go.

When we got there, it was hot. Ninety degrees in October - that's life in the south. We ate cheese fries and relaxed a bit. Then we visited the farm animals. My little one fed the goats. The girls picked out and painted pumpkins and went on a hayride. Finally, we were ready to brave the corn maze. This corn maze is bad ass.
There are 12 check points in the maze and you get a map and hole punch it as you complete the maze. They also have FSI which the kids LOVE. It's Farm Scene Investigation. It's kind of like Clue. The farmer has been murdered by one of this farm animals.  So you get this card and at every other check point there is a scene and you eliminate a weapon, location, and suspect from your card until the murderer is revealed. So we got our cards and were trying to guess who killed the farmer. I said that the person who guesses correctly should win something. We decided on a foot rub. I was hoping one of the kids would win because my husband and I have gross, crusty, grown-up feet.

We entered the maze and my husband took the lead. He is a good navigator. I just followed him. The kids were running ahead and having a nice time. My 7 year old tripped and fell flat on her face and was covered head to toe in dirt within the first 10 minutes. We were making real progress. My youngest was eliminated first thing because the cat was not the murderer. I was next - it wasn't the llama. Along we went among the corn. My oldest daughter didn't guess correctly because she thought it was the pig. We were having a great time. Everyone was happy. It was like the perfect time. When we had entered the maze it was warm and sunny but as we were going through the the grey skies started to roll in. We made it to check point number 10 when it began to drizzle and then pour. "We need to finish!" I said. My husband agreed, "Let's do it." So he ran and we followed. The rain felt so good because it was so hot. We ran through the maze with mud up to our ankles and we all laughed and laughed. By the time we got to checkpoint 11, our cards had begun to wilt. We punched them anyway. We ran to 12 and then ran out of the maze. We were soaked to the bone. We huddled under a nearby tent and pulled out our FSI cards. It was Billy the Goat, with the corn cannon, in the outhouse. What a terrible way to die. The farmer was just going about his business, taking a dump and in comes mean old Billy and blows him away with a corn cannon. My husband was the winner. So we owe him a foot rub. Yum!

We collected our pumpkins and made our way to the car. We were all weighed down but our wet clothes. We had a good laugh and we all agreed that this was our most memorable visit to the corn maze by far.

This weekend, we'll take their painted pumpkins and wipe them down. We'll roast the seeds in sea salt, pepper, garlic and parmesan. We'll roast the rest and scoop out the pulp and make home made pumpkin pie. We'll watch a spooky movie and relax. I wish it could always be October.

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