Wednesday, July 29, 2015

No Sleep Till Brooklyn


The sleep issues in my house are well documented. Just when I think they are getting better, we regress. Lately my nine year old has been scared at night so we let her set up a pallet in our bedroom on the floor. We gave up years ago. We are just lazy, shitty parents.

Last night she declared that she was going to sleep in her room. Thank goodness. We went to bed at 10 pm feeling great about life. I woke up at 12:32 am as my nine year old was pushing me over so she could crawl into my bed. NOOOOOOO. She is physically too big to be in bed with us. I didn't protest. I was tired. I fell back asleep cliff hanging off the edge of the bed.

I drifted back to sleep until 1:50 am. In walks the 11 year old crying. "What's wrong?"
"My ankle is hurting and I can't fall asleep." Boo hoo hoo.
"What did you do to it?"
"I don't know."

I went to get out of bed and the nine year old clings to me. "Don't leave, mama." I nudged my husband. "Can you help?"

He was grumpy. He rolled out of bed and snapped at her to get back in bed while he went to get her some ice. After my husband left the room my 9 year old asked, "Why is dad so grumpy?"
"Well, mom and dad have not had consistently good sleep in over 11 years. That can make you a little cranky sometimes."
There was a pause and then I heard her little voice in the dark say, "I'm sorry that we're horrible."
                             sad animated GIF
How is it that she gets to just wake us up all hours at of the night for non-legitimate reasons for YEARS....nearly a DECADE. Yet somehow she can make it seem like I am an a-hole.

"You are not horrible. Come here." She curled up close to me and I rested my arm over her and fell asleep. She did kick me at least 5 times before I woke up in the morning. That's what I get.

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