Sunday, August 23, 2015

Goodie Two Shoes

We survived the first week of school. It hasn't been too bad. I somehow convinced my daughter that waking up at 5:30 still gives her enough time to get ready. For some reason, 5:30 is infinitely better than 5:00 am.

It was a busy week. We had school, I went back to work. There was the usual soul crushing battle of trying to keep the house clean. This weekend was no break. I had to work in the morning, a birthday party in the afternoon and then another birthday party in the evening.

The birthday party at night was at a bar/restaurant and started at 8 pm. That's pretty close to my bed time. I was excited to see friends and go out with my husband, kid-free. My dad came over to watch the kids. By watch the kids, I mean watch a movie while the kids played Minecraft.

I put on a dress and tried to make myself presentable. We were ready to leave and I went downstairs to say goodbye. My father decided to give me a pep-talk. "Listen, you can stay out late. If your man wants to drink a little bit, that's okay. Don't get on his case. I know you don't smoke or drink and you're a goodie two shoes. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, just loosen up tonight."

I was like:
Did my dad just call me a goodie two shoes? That is sad. I have a reputation in my family as being no-fun. I have been called "square" and "vanilla." I have once been compared to a Puritan. Which is ridiculous because I don't been own a bonnet. All of my siblings are going to Las Vegas in the fall and I pretty much was not invited.

Not on purpose, if I wanted to come they would let me but they know that I would ruin it. I could see us now, walking down the strip. They would be pumped, "We are getting turned up tonight. YOLO!" I'd chime in with, "Let's focus on making good decisions tonight, okay guys?" That's why I don't get invited places usually.

We went to the bar and it was good. I had a Diet Coke and mingled. Someone was trying to hand me shots. I declined. Then I was peer pressured. "C'mon. Just one. It's a fireball..." No. I just watched everyone else do shots. I don't know how people do it.

I could not imagine staying out all night drinking. Not that I judge people that do, to each their own. It does not appeal to me at all. The idea of having to function the next day and care for children seems impossible. I can't stay out and do shots. I had grocery shopping to do the next day, and crock pot meals to prep, and laundry to fold, and a gymnastics banquet to take kids to.

We left shortly after 10 because I was tired. Lame. Today I told my neighbor that I was taking his wife to the club and he laughed and joke that the only club I go to is Sam's Club. That's my reputation.

My perception of myself is not that I am a goodie-goodie. I say the f-word sometimes, I let my kids give me temporary tattoos, sometimes I even drive five miles over the speed limit. That's right - I'm really a badass. I just keep in on the down low.

In other news, there is only 123 days until Christmas. My kids are knowing about it. They already have put in their gift requests. My nine year old the other day said, "I want some Beats for Christmas."
I hope she is looking forward to being disappointed on Christmas morning. I am not paying $150 for a pair of headphones. Whats so good about Beats anyway? For $150 they better do my dishes and balance my check book too. That is just ridiculous. I'm not doing it.

My oldest wants a penny board and a pair off all-white converse. They have to be "All White." The penny board she want is $120. No. You get a $50 skate board and you better like it.

These kids are expensive. Lord almighty. I usually get all my Christmas shopping done by Halloween but I decided that this year, I am putting it off. They always change their mind a week before Christmas about what they want and it creates a stressful mess. This year I am just going to get Amazon Prime and order everything December 15th.

But you know what I'm not going to order? $300 worth of Beats and penny boards. Worst Santa Ever. Bad Mom Award.

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