Thursday, June 28, 2012

“Why can't I find any of the s**t I need?” Day

Tuesday was annoying for me. It was “why can't I find any of the s**t I need?” Day. I woke up and the kids were getting dressed and I could not for the life of me find a pair of matching socks. I usually love the Spring and Summer because we ditch the tennis shoes and wear sandals and flip flops and I don't have to worry about socks. For summer camp the kids always need to wear sandals with a back strap. I went out and purchased acceptable sandals. After I dropped them off the first day I got an e-mail from the camp that they have a new policy where the kids have to wear socks and tennis shoes everyday. WTF? Really? I give them my whole paycheck AND I have to arrange socks and shoes everyday? It doesn't seem fair somehow.

We cannot keep socks in my house. I probably buy socks monthly. By the end of the month they are all missing. Where the hell they go to- I have no idea. They go to the land of missing socks. The dryer eats them. Who knows. I have seriously contemplated hand washing all of the socks in the tub and then air drying them. The only caveat to that plan is that they will be stiff and I'd have to iron them and I am much to lazy for that. So Tuesday was another one of those days where I could not find one darn pair of matching socks. I should just make my kids look for them but I do not wish to lose my job due to excessive tardiness. I had this theory for a while that I would buy different colors/designs on the socks and it would be easier to locate a pair. Stupid. I have a green sock, a red heart sock, a tinkerbell sock, a ruffle pairs. I finally found a matching pair of socks in my underwear drawer (did my hubby put away the laundry that day?). They
were Halloween socks. How we have kept a matching pair of socks since October is beyond me. They were grey and black camo at the bottom and the cuff was bright orange with a skull on it. I knew the rejection level by my daughter was pretty high so I just set them down next to the shoes and hoped she wouldn't say anything. No such luck. “Mom – these are Halloween socks.” Think fast.... “No – they are rock star socks. Look at the skull, pretty cool....pretty rockin' out.” She looked at me sideways. “Okay.” Score for mom. 

Finally when socks and shoes were on, I thought that things would be smooth sailing. Until I realized that all the brushes in the house went on vacation together. I could not find a brush anywhere. I checked my purse, the car, the water bags, the vanities. I know we have 7 brushes. What happened to them – I do not know. I was so darn frustrated. “Okay guys – just brush your hair with your fingers.” That led to a bunch of whining. Then I was getting accused by my girls. “You stole all the brushes, mom.” Is that really what they think I do? As if I put on a ski mask when they go to bed and round up all the brushes and hide them just so I can torture my kids. Real likely scenario. I eventually found a wide tooth comb. Not exactly the item needed to do the job but better than fingers, I guess.

I did get to work with 3 minutes to spare - which was a miracle. But when I got there I realized that I could not find my water bottle. Left it at home.

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