Monday, June 4, 2012

Wet Monday

The kids got out of school on Friday. They were so excited! I was super excited too. No more checking homework books, packing snacks, going through 8 million papers at the end of the day! Summer is here!

They are going back to their old school for the summer because they have a great program. They go to the water park 3 days a week and do a different field trip every week. This month they are going to Chuckie Cheese, ice skating, the aquarium, Monkey Joe's, a nature program at the country park. They really do a lot of cool activities. Plus, the kids get to see all of their “old” friends.

Yesterday they packed their water bags because they were supposed to go the the water park today. When we woke up it was POURING down rain and thundering and lightning. The kids were so disappointed. Not as disappointed as me though because as we were about to leave I realized that I had left my damn car window down like a big idiot and the whole front half of my car was SOAKED. I went to get some clean towels but there was none to be found. There were 20 wet ones in the washer but none that would be useful to me.

That is the story of my life. I feel like I clean all the time yet when I need a clean item – a fork, a cup, underwear, a towel – there is none. So I grabbed a Disney princess comforter and folded it and covered my seat. I looked absolutely ridiculous driving down the road sitting on this huge pink and purple blanket but I had such few options at that point.

As I am driving I realize that the steering wheel is sweating black crap onto my white eyelet skirt. That was lovely. So I am half wet and dirty by the time I drop the kids off to summer camp. Then to top it off, when I went over a bump on the way to work – water started pouring from my drivers side shade all over me. It was literally raining in my car all on my lap and my shirt.

But the time I got to work it was already a long day. A long, wet, crappy Monday.

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