Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dad Life

Right now I am sitting in a hotel room, relaxing, waiting to go have dinner that will not be cooked by me on dishes that will not be washed by me. Ahhhhh...

I left yesterday morning before 6 am. My kids were insistent the night before that I wake them before I leave. I woke up my oldest and she hugged me and kissed me and told me to have fun. My youngest was hard to wake. I pulled her onto my lap and shook her gently. "Wake up! I have to go." Her eyes shot open and she said, "I was dreaming about a cat dancing in a grass skirt." haha. What a weirdo.

I called my husband last night and he was handling pretty well. He told me he was cleaning the house (really?) and he took the kids out to dinner. My daughter told me that he didn't make them order vegetables which she thought was so cool.

I am confident that my husband has things under control. He is a good dad. We have girls and he really works hard to things with them they they like. I came home from work a few Saturday's ago and he had painted their nails and made them be polka-dot. He does the girl's hair (pig tails are his specialty), he watches Barbie movies with them. He knows the lyrics to Selena Gomez songs. He takes them fun places.

I seceretly think that my husband is a better parent than me sometimes. He is so cool and the girls just adore him. He is laid back and he is fun! He chases them around the house and winds them up before bed and lets them eat more junk then I like but that is okay. I have definately learned that just because he doesn't do things the way that I do doesn't mean that he is wrong.

This is my hubbys life:

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