Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back to School

The kids went back to school yesterday. They are in first and third grade. I remarked to my husband, "I can't believe that we have a third grader - I feel like I was just in the third grade." He didn't even look up, "That's because you're a weirdo." 

I have been really excited about the kids starting school. For some reason I usually decide that I am going to put little effort into parenting in the summertime and I let my kids eats popsicles before dinner, watch hours of mindless TV, go to bed whenever they want, wander the yard in barefeet, forget to remind them to brush their teeth.... the list of my mediocre parenting in the summer really could just go on and on. We did make sure the kids read enough pages for their summer reading log so only 1/2 of their brain has turned to mush instead of the whole thing. :/

When I was a kid, I was so excited for the first day of school that I would wake up at dawn and get dressed and count my pencils and pack up my super-awesome Trapper Keeper. My kids are not me and they wanted to stay in bed yesterday morning. Back to reality! They finally did get up and got dressed and then they got a little excited. 

We sat down to eat breakfast and I had a conversation with my third grader. "So, would you like to kiss me and give me a hug here before we get to the car or do you want to do that at school?" She thought for a moment. "I will hug you goodbye at school but only right after we get out of the car- in the parking lot." That seemed fair. She continued, "I don't want you to walk me to my class today because I am too old for that and I know where I am going." I was a little sad about that because I wanted to watch her walk into her classroom. My youngest must have sensed my disappointment because she hugged me at that moment and looked up at me and said, "You can come to my classroom and I will kiss you." 

The car line was long and it was a little chaotic but drop off went well. My 8 year old waved to me and confidently strolled down the third grade hallway. My 6 year old hugged me but was not sad to see me go. 
I air outside was cooler than usual and I sighed to myself. I had this sense of calm. I do not worry so much about my children. They are such smart, confident kids that are easy to love. They will have a great school year, no doubt!

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