Thursday, March 21, 2013

Going Away and Watching TV

I went away earlier this week for work and my husband was in charge. I always worry a little bit because it is a lot of work to "do it all" - drop off and pick up the kids, meals, homework. My older daughter had standardized testing so he needed to make sure she got enough sleep and had a well balanced breakfast. I face timed with the kids every night. On the first night my daughter said, "Mom, guess what? I wanted my hair braided so it would look curly in the morning and dad did his first braid. He did a good job." I could just imagine my burly husband sitting on the edge of the bed intently braiding her hair. He is so awesome.

I spent evenings relaxing. Going out to eat and not washing dishes. I watched way too much television. I don't have cable so I am always amazed at the things that are on TV when I have access to one. I watched this show called Dance Moms. Oh.My.Goodness. It was about parents that are obsessed with their kids dancing and all of these dance groups were at a competition and they did the ranking and awarded the top honors and the parents were glad. After the competition, the moms of the kids that won walked over to the parents of the kids that lost the competition and began rubbing it in that their kids lost. They were saying things like, "Your kid forgot the dance, he has no talent...." They were making fun of these people's children to their faces. I am watching this and it made my heart so sad. I am by no means one of those people that feels like every kid should get participation trophy but I think it is unacceptable to adults to put down other people's children. I'm sure it happens all the time. Watching this show made me lose my faith in humanity a little bit. Provided proof that money does not buy class.

Then I was watching Preacher's Daughters. This 17 year old was dressing all skanky and going to hotel parties. The other girl was 18 and had a baby and was doing a paternity test to find out who the baby daddy is. They are just discussing this like it is a ho-hum event, like it happens to the best of us. I'm not trying to be judgmental but I don't think that it does. The preacher dad is kind of hot on that show - which made me feel weird. It was a train wreck but I loved every minute of it. I'm going to need to stream that show. They should rename reality tv as people-making-horrible-decisions tv.

I came home last night, walked in around mid night. My husband waited up for me. The house was immaculate. I kissed the babies. I woke them up this morning and visited with them. My husband made breakfast. We went downstairs and we each had a toaster strudel and some fruit. My husband had written messages in the frosting. My oldest daughter got "Last Day of Testing!", my youngest got "Have Fun" and I got a heart with a bow and arrow. Love him. Best Dad Award goes to him this week. He is sooooo amazing.

I am back to regular life now sans cable. So glad.

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