Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The other night we were sitting around reading and I was browsing a website that had funny jokes on it and I came across something that mentioned a urinal cake. I may be showing my ignorance here, but I did not know what a urinal cake was. I'm a woman with two daughters, I have no point of reference. I assumed this is not something that you eat, so I wanted to know. I asked my husband.

Me: Hey! What is a urinal cake?
Him: It's like 2,000 flushes but for a urinal.
Me: Where do they put it if there is no tank?
Him: In the bottom.
Me: So they make you pee in it?
Him: Yea.
Me: So do all urinals have cakes?
Him: No.

That was it. He answered all of my questions. I moved on. A few minutes later my daughter came up to me and looked disgusted and said, "That was very disturbing." "What?" "What you asked dad about." "Urinal cakes?" "Yeah, why do you always have to be gross?" First of all, I am not gross. Second of all, I am not disturbing. I am simply a person thirsty for knowledge. Knowledge about urinal cakes, but knowledge none the less. She was acting offended and embarrassed of me. I don't want her to think I'm "disturbed" or anything. Geez. She hurt my feelings.

The next day we were at the orthodontist office and we were waiting for him to come in and while we waited we played the "A My Name Is...." game. It's an alphabet game and you take turns. So I went, "A my name is Amy and my husbands name is Alfred, we live in Alabama and we sell apples." Then my 6 year old, "B my name is Bella and my husband's name is Bob, we will is Bootown (my kids always make up random places that don't exist in this game) and we sell bananas." This went on. My oldest had "U" and guess what she said her and her husband sold? That's right - urinal cakes. I told her that it was disturbing.

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