Friday, December 18, 2015

Kissing Boys


Sh*t is getting real with E-man. He wants to kiss my daughter. She knows that I know he wants to kiss her. We all know. My husband, my youngest daughter - sometimes we talk about it at dinner. We are all up in her business. He texts her about it. "Sooo....when do you think we will kiss?" She's always like, "I'm not ready" or "I don't know." He'll wait a few days and then ask again.

His new tactic is to be the nice guy and to give her time. "It's okay if you're not ready....but when you are, I'm ready." Dude, take a cold shower. The strategizing starts so EARLY. My husband uses that tactic on me to this day. "I know you have a headache and that you don't want to. That's okay. But if you change your mind, I'll be around." It's must be a male thing. They are like, If I pretend like I'm a nice guy - no pressure then maybe it will be like reverse psychology. She'll think it's HER idea.

Females are much too smart for that. We know when we are being conned.  

For Christmas, she got him a giant Hershey Kiss. Well, I got him one because she doesn't have a job. She laughed about it. "He keeps saying he wants a kiss from me, so that's what he's going to get." She's so funny.

If they actually did kiss I think it would be more like this:

and less like this:

french bulldog puppy french bulldog gif
But still, I don't really like it.

E-man has stayed away for a few weeks but he showed up at the house today. She pulled on her hoodie and joined him outside. The two of them sat on the electric box on the side of the house for an hour. My nine year old spied on them and gave me the play-by-play.

"Right now they are looking at his phone."
"Now they are looking at the sky."
"Now they are laughing."

I looked out the window and caught a glance of them sitting side by side on this big box. She swung her feet back and forth and he looked at her with hearts in his eyes. Jesus Christ. She likes him. A lot.

This is such a fun and weird age. I don't know if I am doing the right thing by just sitting back and letting things play themselves out. How do you know the right thing?

I don't know how we got here exactly. How so much time has passed. How my little, squishy, bald headed baby has turned into an adult-sized child who sits on the electric box in the front yard with a boy who keeps asking to kiss her.

The reality has set in. She is going to kiss a boy someday. Both of my daughters are going to kiss boys someday. I'm just not ready for it to be soon.

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