Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Freaking Snacks

There is something that has been pissing me off lately. People eating food that is out of it's category. Groceries are not cheap and I am very strategic about my grocery shopping. I plan my dinners and purchase all the ingredients I need, I buy lunch stuff, and I buy snacks.

As you know, I freaking hate making lunches. I hate it with a passion. I started buying Uncrustables so that 2 days out of the week, it's easy. I can just grab them, stick them in the lunch box with a Capri Sun, some fruit, and Wheat Thins and I'm done. I know they are not the healthiest option, but I'm a shitty mother, so I don't really care that much.

Yesterday, I noticed that there was only 1 Uncrustable left in the box and 2 Capri Suns out of the box of 10. I called the kids downstairs and interrogated them.
"Who ate the Uncrustables?"
"I did," replied my 11 year old.
"I was hungry."
"Why didn't you just make a snack?"
"It was a snack."

I was so annoyed. "No. They are for lunches. I make your lunch every day and I pack them to make my life easier. Since you ate them for snack you get to pack your own lunch the rest of the week."

You would have thought I was the devil.
               not fair tv reactions mad unfair
    I bet she wishes she had some Uncrustables available right now.

My 9 year old daughter admitted to drinking all of the Capri Suns with her friend. "Why? There is a pitcher of pink lemonade in the fridge."
"Well, we like Capri Suns better."
"Oh, I hope you like drinking out of the water fountain at lunch because I have no Capri Suns to pack you and I'm not going out to buy more."
               i hate everyone i hate you
Food comes in categories. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. If you eat all the lunch food for snacks, there will be no lunch food. If you eat all the snacks for breakfast, there will be no more snacks. If you eat the dinner food for snacks, there will be no dinner food. Come on! Get it together. Stick to your categories.

Once, my kids ate all the f**king shredded cheese in the fridge. They were dipping into it all week. I go to make quesadillas and I pulled out the shredded cheese and there are like 2 left in there. They didn't have the decency to even throw away the empty bag.

It's 6 o'clock after a long day and I have prepped everything for dinner and now I'm out of cheese. I was so irritated. I opened the cabinet. We had popcorn, pretzels, crackers, cookies, apples, cantaloupe, yogurt, ice cream. Yet, my children decided they needed to eat all of the shredded cheese. The one vital ingredient I needed to make dinner.

"We are eating Triscuits for dinner because y'all ate all the cheese." I makes me grumpy. They are old enough to know better.

Tomorrow they are going to complain about making there lunches. I know it. I'm not even going to feel bad. I'm going to sit back and sip a cup of coffee and say things like, "You don't see me complaining about making lunches every morning," and "Next time, you'll pop a bag of popcorn." Bad Mom Award.

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