Saturday, January 23, 2016

I'm Feeling 32

I'm turning 32 tomorrow. I used to feel like I was old. I'm an old soul, I fit so much of my life milestones into my 20s. I felt old when I was 26, had been married for 8 years, and had a 1st grader and a preschooler, was working in middle management.... and all my peers were like:

                Sisters movie film funny dancing
Nothing makes you feel old like talking to an old friend and they are like, "My roommate and I were up until 2 and I am so hung over. I slept like all day." and I'd be like, "Well, I went to bed at 9 pm last night, my taxes are due and I have to go now because I'm pretty sure the screaming in the background is my kids trying to kill each other."

Now, in my 30s, most of my peers have caught up. They are married, have a few kids, understand the sleep deprivation and the pressures of making a living and raising up little human beings. I've been doing it for a while longer, but we are on the same page. It makes me feel not so old anymore.

Now, I feel like I am YOUNG. Like, really young. I am 32 years old! I feel like I have more freedom and opportunity now than I have felt in my whole life. My kids are old enough to be almost totally self-sufficient. Don't get me wrong, they give me a hard time but I'm not wiping asses or retrieving snacks and sippy cups, they sleep finally. They have the ability to clean and fold laundry. They are amazing human beings and I'm glad that I've had them in my life for so long.

I've been married for 13.5 years. It took a good 10 years to figure this whole thing out and recover from the stress of having young children. We really know each other and we have our shit together. We are a good team, a well oiled machine, we have worked so hard and it doesn't feel so much like work anymore. The kids are old enough that they leave us alone long enough to watch a movie together, we can leave to go to the gym for an hour. It is amazing.

It's been 9 years since I graduated from college. How good it feels to have it that far behind me. I've have enough work experience now that I feel like I can do so many things, have so many options. I feel like the world is my oyster. I have 35 years of work left. Who knows what amazing things I'll wind up doing or where I'll be? Opportunities abound.

For many years I felt like I had to justify my decisions, I felt like I had something to prove. I've worked so hard to build a good life. I've been very fortunate and blessed. The way my life has turned out has far exceeded my expectations. I feel like everything has happened the way it was supposed to.

The best part about 32 is that I am old enough and feel like I have enough tenure to not give a sh*t.
I don't care what people think, I do what I want to do, I don't put up with bullshit, I've got nothing to prove. I've accepted who I am as a person.

I think 32 is going to be great. I'm actually really liking my 30s. I don't mind getting older, it beats the alternative. Life is good!

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