Monday, October 24, 2016

My New Addiction

                              Image result for lint funny
I few weeks ago I pulled the cool weather clothes out of the closet and went through them. It's a bi-annual tradition. I enjoy it because it's like opening a present. I forget about the stuff I put in there and get excited when I "re-discover" them.
                                  CraveTV excited 30 rock tina fey liz lemon
                                                          "Oh shit! I love this blazer."

I separate the kids stuff and think, "Why did I think my kid would still fit into this?" Seriously, I packed away a 6x sweater. Why do I still have it? My oldest is 10.

I pulled out my black boots. I love my black boots. I purchased them from Ross in 2012 for $17 and they have held up well. The paint has started to rub off the sole and the heel though. Boo. You know what I did? I had some black acrylic paint in the craft drawer, I mixed it up with some Hodge Podge and I repainted the soles and heels of those boots. Good as new. I'm going to get 3 more years out of those things. That's who I am.

I went through the summer clothes and pulled out the things that needed to be packed away. Mostly sundresses. We can never really put away our summer clothes. We just layer. It could be 30 degrees in December or 80 degrees - in the same week.
                      Image result for satan called he wants his weather back
I tucked away some of my shorts and tank tops. I came across one of my Lularoe dresses that I purchased last year. I hadn't washed it correctly and it had pilled horribly. I paid $50 bucks for that dress and I was not wiling to accept that it was ruined. I'm cheap as sh*t. If I'm paying $50 for a dress, I'm still going to be wearing that thing when I'm in the nursing home rocking chair.

I consulted Youtube AKA videos that show you how to do everything and the lady on the video was demonstrating a Conair defuzzer. I was fascinated by this contraption. In the video, it worked so well - it was some kind of voodoo. I had to try it for myself. I logged onto Amazon and purchased it asap.

Two days later, it arrived on my doorstep. I was so excited. I opened the box and put batteries in it.
                                            Image result for conair defuzzer
I laid out my Lularoe dress and got to work. It was miraculous! My dress was good as new! I got out another and defuzzed it. It was amazing!

How have I lived 32 years and not known about this? Do people know this thing exists and were keeping it from me? I feel like my whole life is a lie. This is a housewife's dream. From now on, I'm giving Conair defuzzers as wedding gifts. WAY more useful than a panini press.

Later that week, I was at the thrift store to buy jeans and all I could think was, "Look at all the stuff in here that I can defuzz!"

That Friday, there was no football game. My husband was out of town. My oldest daughter was in her room trying on makeup and taking pictures of her face (because that's her thing) and my youngest was somewhere watching anime.

I planned an exciting evening for myself. I gathered all the clothes, scarves, flannel pillowcases, ANYTHING that needed to be defuzzed and made a pile on my bed. Then, I made a big cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer. I went to Youtube and pulled up my playlist of Vienna horns. I put in my headphones and I de-fuzzed everything while I listened to French Horns - stopping periodically to sip my coffee.

I defuzzed for hours. I emptied the reservoir of lint every so often. Look at all the lint!!! I LOVED every minute of it. I almost called people I knew to bring their stuff over. There is something very methodical and relaxing about it. It is so satisfying. I am addicted. I'm definitely not a normal human being.

The next morning my daughter came into my room and asked, "Mom, did you defuzz my underwear?"
               yes yes i did reactions luke wilson
                                                          Like a BOSS!

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