Friday, January 25, 2013

Where Did All the Forking Silverware Go?

I have been having a silverware issue at my house within the past few weeks. It probably has been the past few months, or years and I am just starting to realize it now because it has become an urgent issue. The silverware has slowly been disappearing from the house. My husband was the first person to realize this. He was flipping out about it one day. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast and he's like, "WHY ARE THERE NO CLEAN FORKS? WHERE DID THEY GO?" He was so annoyed. I looked at him like he had 2 heads, "Honey, if I knew where all the silverware was don't you think that we wouldn't be having this conversation? Do you think I have a secret stash where I hide all the forks and spoons?" He sighed, exasperated, and then just washed some forks. The four remaining ones. I told him I would buy some silverware but I didn't. I don't exactly have all the time in the world to be worrying about silverware. I barely can get to the grocery store on a weekly basis.

On Sunday, I had my sister and her family and my dad over for dinner and even though we cleaned all of the forks in the house - there wasn't enough for everybody. So I ate dinner with an appetizer fork. LMAO. That is not a lie. The sad thing is, I only have one of those left. I sat and ate my dinner with my little 2 inch fork. It was sad. But still, I did not buy silverware because by the next day it was off of my radar of priorities. I finally snapped earlier this week when I came home for lunch and found myself eating a pudding with an ice tea spoon.
I thought, What am I doing? I am eating off of an ice tea spoon. I have hit rock bottom. This is a trashy experience. I can afford silverware, I'm going to buy some this week. 

That's what I did. I purchased silverware. My husband was so excited. You would have thought I had purchased him a game system. He was like, "Thank you soooo much!" I beamed, "I know, I am so excited! Now we don't have to eat with appetizer forks anymore!!!" It's the simple things in life that excite us so.

I am not feeling confident that the silverware will stop disappearing. Who knows where is goes? It's probably in Lost-Things-Limbo along with all of the socks, earring backs, headbands and various other items that magically go missing in our house. Whatever.

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