Friday, April 5, 2013

Something Fishy


I went away for work this week and my husband was in charge. I picked the kiddos up from my dads house last night and as soon as I walked through the door the kids ran at me for hugs. They were both talking a mile a minute, they needed to tell me something urgently.

They told me that one of our hermit crabs died. They had food and plenty of water. We check them everyday but they got up in the morning and one had croaked. So they told me dad took them to the pet store to buy fish. They each got their own bowl and tiki hut for the bowl and they were so excited for me to see them.

I was very happy for them but I thought, "What a horrible idea. Those fish will last a week." My husband is always buying random things when I go away. I have come home to new vacuum cleaners, pots and pans, piles of toys for the kids.....and now fish.

So we headed home and on the car ride home the kids where talking about what they were going to name their fish. My oldest chose Henry Coral and my youngest chose Amy Ocean and they were brother and sister and we built and imaginary life and future for the fish. We get home and my kids bolt up the stairs. I am lagging behind. When I get to the landing my daughter asked me, "Mom, do fish sleep?" My heart dropped into my belly. I just knew. I went over and both the fish were belly up in their bowls. The kids are huddled around me waiting for an answer. I turned to them and said, "I'm so sorry guys, your fish died."

The look of devastation on their faces was overwhelmingly sad. My youngest daughter collapsed into a heap on the floor and began to sob. My oldest sat at the edge of the bed and wept quietly. "Mom, we lost 3 pets in one day. I am traumatized." I laid down and they both laid down next to me, one kid on each shoulder, crying their hearts out. I held them like that for a long time.

Finally I told them to take a shower so they could get ready for bed. I read online about what could have happened. I think the temperature difference between the cup the came in and the bowl must have been too different and that caused their demise. :(

The girls got on their pajamas and were acting so somber. "Mama, I never want another pet ever again." That's fine with me. I think I can arrange that.

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