Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No Sleep


I haven't been sleeping well. I mean, I don't normally sleep well. I know I complain about it often. Usually I don't sleep because the kids are waking me up or my husband is snoring. But this is different. I have been having such a difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep. I can't put my finger on it. It is taking me forever to fall asleep. I just lay in bed and my mind races. I go over all the things that need to be done and obsess about all the things that are bothering me. I'll wake up at 3 am and then 4 am and then 5am. I have been having these crazy, outrageous vivid dreams. I had a dream that I was on this ship and someone told me to hold their baby and the ship was sinking so I escaped and left the baby on the boat. I had a dream that everything was frozen and there was a creepy horse standing in the middle of a frozen lake staring at me. Like, really weird, creepy, Stephen King having dreams. I wake up in the morning exhausted and sore, like I've been hit by a bus. It's terrible. I need to change my routine or drink chamomile tea before bed or something.

The time change hasn't helped at all. On Sunday night I laid in bed for 2 hours before falling asleep and when I did, I barely slept. I felt like I was up all night night. I woke up at 6 am and my 9 year old was laying in between us. The child is huge. It was like 3 adults laying in a queen sized bed. What.the.heck. She almost never comes into the bed anymore so at breakfast I asked her what prompted that. A nightmare, of course. She is my daughter after all. "I had a dream that there was a giant ant in the house, like as big as a person and it was chasing me. I told dad and he tried to kill it with a shoe but it scared him and he screamed like a girl. Then it ran into the closet and laid eggs. The eggs took up your whole closet and they looked like they were in jello and then they started to hatch and I woke up." I thought it was funny but she did not. I laughed and her eyes welled up with tears. "Mama, it was not funny."

I slept okay last night. Better than usual until I woke up. Of course the kids can't make my mornings easy. This morning I told the girls that it was going to be hot (82 degrees in early March!) and to wear shorts. My 7 year old comes downstairs in mid-thigh length shorts, a t-shirt, and wait for it.....knee high boots. Dear Lord in heaven. "Honey, you can't wear boots with shorts, put on different shoes." The wrath of hell spewed from my child. She FREAKED out on me. "Why do I always have to wear what you want? This is fine." It was a street walker outfit. Not a classy, Pretty Woman kind of streetwalker. A trashy, T-shirt wearing, East Main Street kind of street walker. My daughter is in the second grade. No, we aren't going there. So I had to yell and there was crying and it was just bad. She finally, against her will, took off the knee high boots and put on flats. Then she looked up and gave me an evil look.

Maybe that's why I can't sleep. Because I imagine my 7 year old daughter one day in high school fighting with me to wear knee-high boots and mini-skirts. Oh she will. She is sneaky. I will be checking book bags in the car before school starting in the 6th grade. I was not born yesterday. Off to make my Sleepytime tea!

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