Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patty's Day and Such

Saint Patrick's Day festivities are in full swing this weekend. Our decorations are up, our St. Patty's day banner hung on the fire place, green garland wrapped along the stair case. I'll make soda bread today (I found an awesome crock pot soda bread recipe, can't wait to try it). We'll have Shepard's pie. I'll make a green, orange and white dessert. We'll drink Guinness and listen to Celtic music. I wish I had started a tradition when my kids were younger of making leprechaun traps and then waking St. Patty's day morning to chocolate gold coins. Doesn't that sound like a riot? Alas, my kids would not be amused by it. I'll save that idea for my grand kids.

My oldest had practice for her all-county chorus yesterday so I just took my 7 year old to the Saint Patrick's Day parade. We put on our green and off we went. We found a perfect spot and sat down on the curb. We watched the revelers walk by. A family sat next to us - a mom and dad and two young children, the kid's were maybe 2 and 4. They seemed normal until the parade started. The bag pipers came by and fire trucks and everyone else. They were throwing candy out. Well, the dad who was sitting next to us lost his damn mind. They would throw candy and he would scream "WHOO! Candy!" and make a dash to collect the candy. He was grabbing candy that was being thrown to my daughter. This was a grown ass man. "WHOOO! Beads!" and he was out in the street taking the beads. He was acting ridiculous and my 7 year old was dumbfounded. The lady on the other side of us gave my little girl some beads. She was looking at me like, "What the hell is wrong with that guy?" What a jerk head.

We made our way to the festival and listened to music and ate sno cones. My husband and 9 year old joined us after he picked her up from practice. It was a beautiful day.

We headed home and my daughter got ready for her concert. She got dressed and I put her hair up in a pony tail. She put on her clip on earrings and lip gloss and she looked like such a little lady. She looked beautiful. We took her to the school and dropped her off and waited anxiously. The kids all got on stage and she smiled at us and gave us a little wave. Then the concert began and she just sang her little heart out. I could make out her voice, among the dozens of children. She sings like an angel. She never sings at home. I don't know why, she is a little shy. Sometimes she'll sing if she's alone in the shower or in her room. I put my ear up to the door to listen. She'd be mad if she knew I did that. She has a beautiful voice. They sung "Imagine" at the end and I couldn't help but tear up. My daughter is just so beautiful and talented and I am so proud of her. She spent many days staying after school to practice and studying her music and she just did a beautiful job. My sweet baby is getting to be so big.

My sister came and left her 4 year old with us to sleep over so we took all the kids out for ice cream after the concert to celebrate. Yes, we had ice cream before dinner. Bad Mom Award. It was a good day.

Our day today will be packed. Off to make soda bread with my Irish girls.

Meanwhile in Ireland:

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