Monday, April 14, 2014

Getting My Nails Did

I have been in a funk-tastic funk lately. Blah! Today I decided to do something different. The kids are on Spring Break and they have been begging me for months to go to a salon to have their nails done. I needed mine done as well so I decided that we would go to the salon to get manicures.

After lunch, we got in the car and went off to the nail salon. I get my nails done occasionally. I keep my nails short and clean and have a manicure kit at home so I will cut my cuticles and make sure they are presentable. I am much to practical and frugal to get my nails done. However, I splurge a few times a year. My nails were looking pretty raggedy.

I used to go to this nail salon in the mall but last time I went they were rude and they talked me into a gel manicure that was like $40 and I was super annoyed. So I tried out a new place, it came recommended.

We got there and the girls were so excited. Everyone was busy and so I signed in and sat down to wait. After a few minutes a sweet, little Chinese lady came up to me. She didn't say hello or anything. She just looked at me. I was a little confused. "Ummm...yeah. I want to get a manicure. I heard you guys do kid's nails too. Can they get manicures as well." She nodded - she never spoke once and then walked away. I was a little confused but I assumed that meant to wait and so we did. A short time later she came over and motioned to us. We got up and followed her. She pushed out a chair for me. Then she motioned for my girls to sit down at the next 2 tables. Then she left again, without saying a word. The girls looked at me like, This is super weird.

A man came out from the back. He went to my 7 year old first. He buffed her nails and she watched suspiciously. No smile or interaction at all. He sprayed her nails and painted them carefully and then she went to put them under the lights. Then he moved on to my oldest daughter. He cut her cuticles down and painted them. She watched intently. She is a nail expert. She watches Youtube tutorials on how to paint nails and she has special nail art tools. She does professional nails, pretty much. I always check to see what nails she has because she does them different every day. One day they were light blue with waves and an anchor, she does flowers. She did a black and electric blue cheetah print pattern on her friends nails. She could open a boot-leg nail shop out of her bedroom.

He finished up and I know she was thinking, I could do this myself. Off she went to have her nails dried.

Then it was my turn. I was ashamed of my nails. The skin around them is kind of peeling and they were gross. Plus I has tiny baby-hands and I always get comments about them. I didn't escape today. "You hand and nail are small like daughter." I nodded. Yes, I have creepy child-like hands. I know. He was buffing my nails and he found my wart. I'm going to admit it. I have a small wart on my finger. I've had it burned off like 3 times but it keeps coming back. I am some what ashamed of it. He was poking it. "This bother you." I was like, "No, but I need to go back and have it burned off again." He continued to buff my nails and then cut my cuticles. He took each finger and just clipped, clipped, clipped and then he took my finger and.....wait for it.... he cut off my wart with his cuticle cutter. It happened so quick that I didn't realize it was happening. I was like:

I was horrified. He didn't seem like it was a big deal at all. They probably perform boot leg plastic surgery in this place. I didn't know what to say. I was in shock....but I let him paint my nails. I figured, it was more than half way done. When it was time to dry my nails, I called my 9 year old over to grab my purse. She did come over but when I asked to see her nails she walked right past me. "Ah, daughter have attitude." Yes, yes she does.

When I was done the silent lady stood behind the counter and ran my credit card. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I took the kids for drinks and Sonic and then headed home. We all were happy to have pretty nails.

When we got home the kids went outside to play with their friends and when they came in for dinner, I noticed something different about them. They didn't have any nail polish on their nails. They hooted and hollered and begged for MONTHS to get a manicure and when I finally give in they only enjoy it for 3 hours.
I should have taken dollar bills and threw them out the window. So is life in my house.

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