Friday, April 25, 2014

Puberty is Hard

My kids are not cooperative in the morning. I disagree always with what they want to wear. My 7 year old came out in jeans and her fuzzy Russian snow boots. "It's going to be 80 degrees outside today." She shrugged her shoulders. "I like them." I didn't even argue with her this morning. My oldest daughter walked in and she was wearing a jean skirt, with a tanktop and a jean jacket. It would have been cute except that it was her sister's jean jacket. All I could think about was Tommy Boy. haha.

"Take off that jacket. It looks like you are wearing a baby jacket. It only goes down to your ribs." "No, I like it." It's always something. I kept badgering her to take it off. She was flat out refusing. "Just wear the tanktop with out the jacket. It will be hot out today and that will be cute." She frowned, "No, I can't." "Why not, will you get in trouble?" "No, I can't." I didn't understand. She was so frustrated. "Why do you have to wear the jacket."

She balled her hands into fist. "Because puberty is hard." I almost laughed, but I didn't. "Okay, what does that mean?"

She sobbed, "I have hair under my arms, mama." She was distraught by this. I tried even harder not to laugh. "So what? You can shave it." She wept. "But mama, I don't know how." She is in full out melt down mode. "I'll show you, it's okay." She sniffled. "Okay, but can I still wear this jacket today?" Whatever, I let her wear the baby jacket.

At lunch, I went to the drugstore and brought her some fruity, girly shaving cream. Which was much nicer and much more expensive than I'd ever buy myself. I just lather soap. Cause I'm ghetto like that. I brought some razors. I put on a tank top and do a demo this weekend. It's easy enough.

I'm admittedly, a little sad about it. I think she is a little young to shave but I don't want her to be self-conscious. I am just doing what I feel like in my gut is the right thing to do. Summer is coming up and I think it would be much more damaging to have her embarrassed or worse, have someone tease her than her shave. The only con of the whole thing is that I am not ready for my baby to grow up. I really struggle with that. She's right. Puberty is hard. Truer words were never spoken.

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