Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Star Fruit

It's the end of the school year which means it is crazy busy with the kids. Band and chorus rehearsals, upcoming dance recitals, field trips and events. I'm over it. Please let it be summer RIGHT NOW.

Yesterday my 6th grader handed me a paper and explained to me that each kid in her science class had to bring in a fruit item on Friday for an outdoor lesson about plants or something. "I'm going to bring sliced apples and grapes." I thought, okay. It's an extra trip to the grocery store but I can handle that.

Today, I dropped off my youngest and gymnastics and went out to dinner with my husband and my oldest. We were chatting over dinner and my daughter said, "Remember how I told you I was going to bring in apples and grapes? Well, someone is already bringing that so I volunteered to bring starfruit."
I looked at her like she had lost her damn mind.
            reaction wtf hip hop shocked 1995
"Where the hell am I going to get enough starfruit to feed 28 people?"
She shrugged.
"I don't know if that's possible. You'll have to pick something else."
"No. The teacher said we couldn't change it."
"Are you kidding me? What are other kids bringing?"
"Grapes, celery, cherry tomatoes, apples...."
F**king normal things. Of course.

My kids do this to me EVERY TIME. They will come home from school and be like, "We are having a party at school and I volunteered you to make cupcakes that look like reindeer with cream cheese icing and red sparkly sprinkles."
I'm groan and say, "Are you serious? How is that going to happen?"
"You can do it, mom. Don't worry. You have two days."

Other kids sign up their parents for normal shit like juice boxes and napkins. I want to bring the napkins one time. I want to bring the cheap and easy thing just ONCE. Help me.

Anyway, back to the starfruit. My daughter said, "We are going to get a lot of vitamin C and D that day."
"You don't get vitamin D from fruit," I corrected her.
She rolled her eyes. "I know that, mom. You get it from the sun."
"Did they teach you that in school?"
"No. YOU taught me that."

I was so impressed. I teach my kids things and they listen. Maybe all hope is not lost.

After dinner, I went to the sub shop to get a "special" lunch for my 4th graders field trip tomorrow. I went to 2 grocery stores to track down starfruit after that. No luck. I called the Asian Supermarket and they said they had some but I'm not convinced because I'm pretty sure the person on the other line didn't understand what I was saying. So I get to make a tip to the Asian Supermarket on a wild goose chase for starfruit tomorrow night. You know, in my spare time. They are probably going to be $5 each or something. Ugggh. I have first world problems.

Then when I got home she handed me another paper and said, "Don't forget we need to buy some black dress pants and shoes for the concert Saturday." I have to drop her off at 8 in the morning. That means I have to get them in the middle of the week. I'll probably have to go to 10 f**cking stores to find what we need and I will weep.

But I will do it. Because I'm a mom. That's what moms do. They sacrifice their time, money, patience and sanity so that their kids have what they need. Moms know that one day they'll miss this. Starfruit and all.

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