Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Want Something Else...

I make a legitimate effort to keep a variety of healthy snack food in the house. Okay, I'm a liar. Mostly healthy snacks and then a bunch of crap. My new favorite is White Cheddar Cheez-Its. They are soooo yummy and addictive. I am sure they sprinkle crack on them. I also have been buying Cheetos. They are so bad for you but I cannot resist the crunchy cheddar goodness. Have you ever seen the Cheetos cat? He is pimpin'. He has shades and cool sneakers. He makes me feel like when I buy Cheetos I might just be a little bit cooler than I actually am.
So besides the crap, my kids have a ton of fruit. A quarter of my grocery bill is fruit. We have crackers, applesauce, popcorn, pretzels. It's a pretty desirable snack selection in my opinion. I'm sure there are starving children all over the world who would be happy to stay in our house and eat our food. 

My kids could give a hoot. This is what I heard this afternoon, "Mom, can you get me a snack?" "Get yourself a snack." So they look in the cabinets and the fridge and say, "We have nothing to eat." That's a lie. So I go through the list of things we have available to eat. "But I don't want any of that." Exasperated I say, "Well what do you want?" "Something else." I have just opened a Pandora's box because we will go around in circles. I will ask them what they want and they will tell me that they don't know but it has to be good. 

First of all, I am not a mind reader. Do not assume that I know what you want and that your definition of "good" is my definition of "good".  Second of all, if it is not in the house, I am not going out to obtain it for you. My existence is not to get you everything you want. I pulled out some pretzels and said, "Just have this."  My youngest rolls her eyes at me and says "I'll just have the Cheetos." 

Whatever you say - Veruca. 


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