Friday, May 25, 2012

So, That Was My Day Yesterday

Yesterday started out like any other day in our house. I woke up at 5:18 am. I aim for waking at 5 am but the snooze button is so enticing. I went downstairs, put on the water for coffee and started breakfast. Then I realized that because I had to drive to Myrtle Beach to do a presentation that my husband was in charge of taking the kids to school. This can be the easiest task in the world or it can cause one to rip all of their hair out. The kids have gotten a lot better in the morning this past year than they ever have in the past but it is not 100%. I do everything in my power to help things run smoothly. I sign homework books and reading logs the night before. I get up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast and prepare snacks and I have the kids pick out their clothes the night before. All of these things do not guarantee that we will get out of the door on time.

So I wake the kids up and tell them to get dressed and I start packing the car and things appear to be running smoothly. The girls both woke up on the wrong side of the bed but they were at least manageable. Until my oldest daughter gets toothpaste on her shirt. She changes into a heavy long sleeved shirt. I tell her that it's going to be 90 degrees out and she needs to put on a short sleeved shirt or tank top. That's when the whining began, "But I don't have any clothes." We went back and forth. So I went into her room and pulled out 5 shirts and 2 dresses. All of them had something wrong with them. "That shirt shows my belly when I raise my hand, that shirt is ugly, I don't like that." At this point I am starting to melt down. We are cutting it close and she is refusing to get dressed. My husband is standing behind me and he is about to lose it as well. I was just screaming, "GET  DRESSED! YOU CAN'T BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!"

She really can't be. We have already been late 5 times this year and I received a strongly worded letter that if my kids were late 1 more time that "disciplinary action" would need to be taken. My kids are never super late. It's not like I just roll out of bed and take them to school whenever I feel like it. All the times we have been late it is like RIGHT after the bell rings. It's usually because one of them is acting like an A-hole and refusing to get dressed or decides right when we are walking out the door that their hair isn't "pretty enough" or some other crap like that. When you take your kids in after the bell rings the secretary does not look happy. They pull out these little cards that have your kid's name, the time in, and a reason they are late. I never know what to put in the reason slot. I am a bad parent, child is being an a-hole and refused to get ready this morning, overslept..... It's so embarrassing. My husband did get the kids out of the door on time, but not before my oldest daughter could scream that she hates me. :/

I drove 2.5 hours to Myrtle Beach and I had a relaxing lunch. No one said they hated me. My presentation went well. My slides came up and I had no technical difficulties. This is very unusual because the AV and IT Gods hate me and always snag my presentations and trainings somehow.

On the way home I was looking for a place to have dinner that had healthy options and there was pretty much nothing. South Carolina is so rural. It was just me and the trees for hours. By the time I reached the Charleston area my bladder was screaming at me. I stopped at an East Bay Deli and made a bee line for the ladies room. It was a single bathroom and the toilet was on the opposite wall of the door. The door had a push lock. I locked the door, set down my purse and did the public bathroom "hover". Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. I was trying to hold my dress up because it was knee length. I am in mid-pee when the door swings open and a lady walks in. I called out and she fumbled and shut the door quickly. Not quick enough that I wasn't humiliated. I washed my hands and did the walk of shame out of the restroom. The lady was standing outside. She probably had lost her appetite. "Be careful, the door doesn't lock correctly." What else could I say?

So, that was my day in a nut shell....

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