Thursday, November 15, 2012

Coat Drama

My kids are not morning people. They must get that from their father. When I get up at 5 am - I pop out of bed and fix a cup of coffee and am generally in a good mood. When I go to wake my kids up (and my husband) they burrow under the covers and moan, "Just 5 more minutes." I smile and say, "Okay, but the early bird gets the worm." They respond with moans and whines.

My children were in rare form yesterday. They were being generally uncooperative and grumpy. I asked my oldest daughter to put her shoes on and she gave me a death stare. My youngest child freaked out that she didn't want water for snack and pretty much told me I am a horrible person for not buying Capri Sun. She's just going to have to realize that we are not that high class. We are simple people and water it will be. Then my oldest and I got into a screaming match about her coat.

Last year we had the same argument. She hated the coat I had purchased for her and would give me a hard time about it. This year I let her pick out her own coat. I found these $85 coats marked down at Zulily for $20. It is cute and warm and has fur trim. This weekend I brought her a crocheted owl hat.
She looks stinking adorable. But apparently that doesn't matter because yesterday morning she REFUSED to put on a hat and coat.

I have certain rules when it come to temperature. No shorts if the high is under 70. Short sleeves can be worn from 60-70 degrees if they wear a zip up sweater over it. Long sleeves or sweaters must be worn if it is 50-60 degrees and a winter coat is required if the temp is under 50. I need to publish these arbitrary rules in my house somewhere.

So it will 45 degrees yesterday morning and she would not put on her coat. "I am not cold." I told her that I didn't care, it is cold outside so put the coat on. "No." "Put it on NOW." "No, I am not wearing a coat. It is not that cold." "IT IS 45 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!!! PUT ON YOUR COAT." "No." This was going no where. I was so irritated. "That's fine - you can just be cold all day." She put her chin up, "I won't be."

We got in the car and I put on the music and ignored the kids. I was pretty much done at that point and it was only 7:05. As I dropped them off I offered the coat one last time and she waved it away. Whatever.

When I came home that night, both the kids were in a better mood. "So, how did it go without your coat today?" My daughter was quiet. "You were cold, weren't you?" She nodded. "I should have worn my coat." I love when my kids admit I am right - it doesn't happen often! Score for mom!

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