Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Search for the Illusive Khakis

Last week my daughter came home with a note from school stating that she would need a pair of khakis for her chorus uniform. We have been really busy and I just got around to it on Tuesday. I am weird about clothes. I rarely shop retail - I always shop at thrift stores and consignment, because my kids ruin clothes....and because I am cheap. So we went to Once Upon a Child and there were no khakis in her size at all. Next we tried some discount stores- we went to Marshalls. Still no khakis. There were skank clothes for kids but not one pair of khakis. Then we went to Burkes Outlet and again not a single pair of khakis. I was so annoyed. Finally I broke down and decided to go to Old Navy. I mean Old Navy invented khakis. I didn't really feel like spending $30 on kids pants but whatever. 

I walk into Old Navy and to my left was a huge sign that said "khakis" and a picture of a man in khakis wearing a sweater and jumping up with his hands in the air. He was happy and excited about his khakis. A little too happy in my opinion. I was feeling confident. I walk over to the kids section and there was one rack with khakis. They were cargo khakis with sweat pant material on the inside. I picked them up and looked at them inside and out and was very confused. They were not going to do. There was one pair of size 14 khakis in the school uniform section. That was it. Also, there were no $30 pants there. All the clothes were way cheaper and flimsier than I remember Old Navy clothes being. It was like being in Walmart except with louder more annoying music. I hate retail. My daughter did need a new pair of shoes. She found a lovely pair that were made in China by a 10 year old. *Sigh* I went up to the front and the cashiers were taking forever. They had this huge display up so that your kids can annoy you and ask for stuff while you wait. My kids were all over it, I swear they were thinking, "We cannot leave until we touch every single thing on this display." My daughter handed me a nail file and asked me to get it for her. It was a pretty standard nail file. Small, colorful, made in China. They were selling these nail files for $3. I thought steam would come out of my ears. What a load of crap. I know very well this thing cost less than a dime to make and ship and they were selling it for $3. That is highway robbery. I always feel that way about printer cartridges as well. I get so angry. I do not understand why a flimsy piece of plastic filled with ink is so damn expensive. I mean $35, really? So I left Old Navy annoyed. We headed to Moes. I knew that would lift my spirits.

We got to Moes and ordered food and my husband was running late to meet us as usual. I was talking to the kiddos and eating and then the lady-I-don't-like showed up. There are very few people in the world that I don't like but she is one of them. She always is at Moes when I am. She always wears fitness clothes. The reason I don't like her is that one time she was behind me at the soda machine and I was filling up my diet coke and she said, "You shouldn't drink diet soda. It's so bad for you. I would NEVER drink diet soda." She just went on and on. In a really condescending manner. I laughed it off and said, "But hey - it has no calories." Then she went on and on about how I should exercise instead (how does she know I don't?) and her husband is a personal trainer. Whatever. Who does this lady think she is? I wanted to tell her she could come to my house and do my dishes and take care of my kids while I went and worked out with her husband. I sooooo wish I could tell people how I really feel. Now every time I see her it's awkward because I want to throw things. She was wearing butt high work out shorts on this particular day. On a cold, rainy evening at the end of November. I don't know why she just can't go eat organic at Jason's Deli and let me have Moes to myself. 

Anyway, here I am. Still no khakis, still drinking diet soda. I am going to explore the mall in search of khakis tonight. Wish me luck!

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