Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kickball Time

On Valentine's Day my husband had a kickball game so I planned to make dinner with the kids and just have a chill evening until he came home. That morning when I kissed him good bye he said, "If you don't have plans for tonight, you can come to my kickball game." That was him asking me to come cheer him on. I was like, "Maybe." Then later in the day he texted me the address of the field. The last thing I felt like doing on Thursday night was sitting in the cold with the kids watching kickball but I really try to be a good, supportive wife and I made plans to attend kickball.

After work I picked up the kids, we grabbed dinner at Chik-fil-a and then headed over to the field. It was at the Jewish Community Center. As I pulled in, my daughter said in a surprised voice, "Dad is Jewish?" LMAO. So we get out and find my husband and he is was in his sweats and getting ready. It was cold as hell and I was in a skirt and tights. I backed my husband's station wagon up to the field so that we could sit in the back. I had a blanket in my trunk so we bundled up.

They met up with the team they were playing and they were all looked like they were in their early to mid 20's. My husbands team was late 20's through mid 40's. I thought, "This might be really bad." They start playing and my suspicions were correct. His team was horrible. Like really bad. He made a few good catches but overall, it was painful to watch. The other team was just getting score, after score, after score. I was embarrassed for them. On the opposing team there was this little skinny woman - I mean she looked like she was barely bigger than my 8 year old. She was in the outfield in the middle of the game and she was dancing and around and frolicking through the field. My daughter was like, "Mom, that lady is a weirdo."
She reminded me of the Lucky Charm's leprechaun. We watched her the whole time. It was hilarious.
After what seemed like for ever, they shook hands and my husband made his way back to us. The kids were like, "Dad, your team is really bad." He laughed. "Honey, what was the final score?" He hung his head, "19 to 3. They are the worst team in the league. They were all like 'First win for the season!'" I said, "That's okay. You get an A for effort." Then I asked, "What was up with that little woman dancing around the field?" He said, "She was like smash drunk. Completely wasted. The whole team was just chugging beer the whole time. Didn't you see them?" I hadn't. They lost horribly to the worst team in the league while that team was drunk. Pretty classic. Kickball is amazing.

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