Sunday, February 24, 2013

Slumber Party

                  Slumber Party Court funny picture

On the 16th the kids had a sleepover party. It was Valentine's themed so we decked the house out in pink and red and hearts everywhere. We had balloons and garland. We had a craft station so the kids could make heart ornaments and friendship bracelets and decorate cookies. We made deep dish pizza and served pink punch in red flute glass, which the kids thought were very fancy. It wound up being 6 girls all together, which was reasonable.

We did a Valentine's themed Minute to Win It. It was so soooo funny. I had them stack candy hearts, throw marshmellows into each other's mouths, see who could wrap each other first as mummies with pink crepe paper. It was really fun. After the festivities the kids went upstairs. Our bedroom is the biggest room in the house so we let the kids crash in there and my husband and I were hanging in their room. I tried to crawl into the twin bed with him which was a comedy of errors. The girls raided my closet and paraded around in my dresses and heels, they watched movies and listened to music. I went to bed around midnight and all of them were still going. I don't make the kids go to bed if they are having a sleep over, as long as they behave. I was awoken to a loud noise at 4 in the morning and there were 2 little ones still up. Jumping on the bed. I made them go to sleep at that point. As I crawled into bed I thought to myself, "I will never willingly stay up all night ever again, in my entire life." What is it about being a kid that makes staying up all night long appealing? I think it sounds absolutely horrible to me. Anytime after midnight is a little wild and crazy. These kids are nuts.

I woke up early the next morning and surveyed the damage. There were blankets everywhere and little girls all over the floor. There were no sheets on the bed. There was popcorn EVERYWHERE, soda cans covered all surfaces, there was nail polish spilled on the bathroom sink. My husband walked up behind me, "What happened? Is this a frat house? They are cleaning this up."

I went downstairs to fix a cup of coffee and to read the news. I was thinking I would get some peace but at 6:55 down came three bright eyed 6 and 7 year olds. They were acting as if they weren't up all night. Bopping around and laughing. If I had that kind of energy, I could rule the world. I gave them doughnuts and chocolate milk and pumped them up with more sugar for good measure.

The parents came to pick up the kiddos and I warned them that their kids didn't sleep and would probably turn into demons by the early afternoon. Mine did. They laid down to take a nap and I joined them. It was glorious.

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