Saturday, September 7, 2013

We're Pretty Nerdy

I don't think my family is that stereotypical nerdy family. We appear normal but really we're not. We are nerds to the core. This became very apparent to me when I picked my kids up from school yesterday.

The kids hopped into the car and they were like, "Mom! We figured out what we are going to be for Halloween." "Okay, what is it?" My oldest said, "I want to be the main character from Assassins Creed." My youngest jumped in, "I want to be Zelda." They asked to see my phone so they could show me these costumes. See below:

                                                                Assassins Creed
                  Zelda - well, actually Link from the Legends of Zelda to be more accurate

It couldn't be just a regular Link costume. It has to be a BLUE, embellished Link costume. I sighed. "Guys - they don't make costumes like this for kids." They both looked at me with big eyes - "Mom, you are going to make them." Not, will you make them? - you are GOING to make them." They already had thought out their case because my 9 year old said, "Besides, we can wear them for Halloween AND the Renaissance Festival and that will save you money."

I am known to make costumes throughout the years. I made these awesome mermaid costumes one year with lace up backs and real shells on the bodice, I made an indian poncho with real feathers and ribbon that looked like beading, I've made a Hello Kitty costume and cowgirl outfits.... And now I will make Zelda and Assasains creed costumes. I really don't want to. I wanted to ask them why they can't just be normal kids and be a rockstar and princess for Halloween but they have their hearts set. And yes, we will go to the Renaissance Festival and I will dress up too.

We are nerds. It's all my husband's fault. He likes fantasy books and video games and movies. We both like Celtic music. The costumes that the kids want are inspired by Lindsay Sterling, who is a violinist. My 7 year old will say things like, "Put on Lindsay Sterling - she is the dopest violin player." Dopest - haha. So we have brainwashed the kids to be nerds too. Don't tell anyone - it's our dirty little secret.

Well, I am off to clean and then to buy fabric to start on these impossible costumes that need to be completed by October 31st. I do NOT win the Bad Mom Award today.

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