Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Hate Shopping

I hate to shop. I just don't like it. I don't like to part with my money. I'm cheap....always have been, always will be. Sometimes, however, I have to spend money. I need some new clothes. My clothes are two extremes. I only own business clothes and sweat pants. Which works out fine most of the time. Except for this weekend when I went to go to the grocery store. I put on a skirt and a blouse and sweater and a scarf. My husband was like, "Why are you dressed up?" "Because this is all I own." I decided I need at least 2 pair of jeans and some casual tops. I also need a new dress for my husband's Christmas dinner for work. So I decided I would go shopping this week.

Yesterday evening I decided to go to Goodwill and see what I could find. I'm cheap, don't judge me. I found some cute stuff and filled up my cart and went to try the stuff on. The dressing room was horrible. The florescent lights and mirror were so unflattering. I was traumatized by it. Somebody needed to bring me some carrot sticks to dip in all that cottage cheese. I pulled on top after top, skirts and dresses and it all looked horrible on me. I hated it. I did find 2 pairs of jeans that were cute and didn't need hemming and a dress but no tops. I was horribly disappointed and the Goodwill lady looked at me like she wanted to murder me when she saw me hang up all the stuff I wasn't going to buy. I walked out feeling dejected. I would have to go to a REAL store to buy some tops and a dress for the dinner.

So this evening I went to the mall. I never go to the mall. Maybe a handful of times a year or less. I figured that I could hit up Claires and Bath and Body Works to get some stocking stuffers for the girls while I was there. I went from department store to department store, browsing. I was shocked about how much I hated all the clothes. They were just hideous and expensive. I feel like I am at a weird age because the women's section was all clothes for 60 year olds but I'm too old for the juniors section. I have no idea what kind of clothes I like because I own no casual clothes. It was painful. Some of it was just so expensive. I was amazed by it. Who has $60 for a sweater? I thought everyone was broke and we are in a bad economy. Apparently not, if $60 sweaters are flying off the shelf. I walked past the perfume section and smelled all the perfumes I will never buy. I especially enjoyed Katy Perry's Killer Queen fragrance. I need to find an imitation perfume for that one, I thought to myself. Cheap.

I visited Gap and was bored. I went to the Loft and was not impressed. I visited them all. I brought a turtleneck at Sears. It's boring but I was getting desperate. I decided to take a break from clothes shopping and get my stocking stuffers. Claires had Buy 1, Get 1 Half Off on all One Direction merchandise. I was so excited because my 7 year old is really into One Direction right now. I got her a One Direction necklace and pillowcase. She is going to lose it. I don't know how she found out about One Direction but she really likes Harry Styles. I tease her and say "No way, Harry is my boyfriend." She gets so mad, "Mom, you are too old for Harry." "No I'm not, he's 19. He's a grown up." My husband rolls his eyes at me. "Whatever- that kid would never survive the zombie apocalypse." I did find myself singing along to "Best Song Ever" in the car alone the other day. I was ashamed about it. I will restrain myself from stealing my daughter's One Direction necklace. I got some clip on earrings and nail polish. I went to Bath and Body Works and got them some body spray and hand sanitizer. I ate some disgusting food in the mall food court and then I went to find a dress for the upcoming dinner.

I had an idea of what I wanted in my head. I wanted something sexy but classy. Something knee length, not too tight but form fitting. Either off the shoulder or a plunging neckline. I can get away with a plunging neckline without looking skanky because I don't have anything to hang out. So sad. When I'm out with my husband I want to look really nice, especially around people he knows. I don't want them to think, "He has to go home to that beast? No wonder he works late all the time." I just want to look a little nicer than usual. No luck. I didn't find anything cute or reasonable. All the dresses were either too short or too matronly. I was so annoyed. So I left the mall disappointed and then I went back to my hotel and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and I thought to myself, Why can't I just wear sweat pants everywhere? That I would love. If we could work on making sweatpants mainstream and acceptable, I'm in.

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