Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Here Comes the Sun

Last week was a weird week. The kids were off from school for 2.5 days because of the terrible winter storm and all the ice. It started to warm up at the end of the week. The girls had some friends sleep over on Saturday which they were excited about. We retired early and gave the list of rules: don't light anything on fire, stay in the house, get your own snacks, no music videos on Youtube.... Then I crashed. The days and weeks have been long lately and we were beat.

I woke up at midnight to crying. My children were asleep in next to our bed but their 2 friends were still up. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "What's wrong?" "We heard scary sounds coming from downstairs. It sounds like someone was crying." More tears. I felt so bad. I kicked my husband out of bed. "Do you want to lay up here?" "No, I called my mom and she is going to get me." So we gathered up all of her things and went downstairs. My husband was on the couch, watching a documentary about Judas. You know, something light for a Saturday night. They asked for a snack so I got some Go-gurt (don't judge me) and we waited. We talked about the crying downstairs. I think it was the toilet. Sometimes it runs and I think it sounds like whispering. It is kind of creepy, I didn't blame them for being upset and scared. The little one got picked up so it was just my husband and I and my girl's little friend and the Judas documentary. "Finish your Go-gurt and it's time for bed." She took forever to finish that go-gurt but she told us all of her stories, About school, about the funny things her parents do, about her friends. She is so funny and entertaining. She finished her go-gurt and we went upstairs. My hubby decided to sleep on the couch and finish his movie. I crawled into bed and their friend stood at the edge looking at me with big eyes. "I'm still kind of scared. Can I sleep with you?" She hopped in and fell asleep in what seemed like an instant. No matter what, I always seem to have a kid in my bed.

The next morning the weather was beautiful and the kids were all outside. It was in the mid 70s so their were in shorts and t-shirts and flip flops. What a change from the ice just a few days earlier. I was busy cleaning the house and doing laundry. The girls came in and asked if we could walk to the park and feed the ducks. Sure, I told them. So I got dressed and found some bread ends and went to join them outside. They had pulled their bikes out of the garage. We hadn't ridden them in months. My oldest daughters handlebars were all jacked up and were laying flat and she's grown 5 inches so it really is too small, my 7 year old's bike had a tire that was almost flat and their friend was using their scooter than is meant for a 5 year old that we only keep because the neighbor's little kid likes to use it. "Guys, we are going to walk. We need to rehab your bikes." They cried and protested and were upset about it, so finally I said - whatever. You should have seem the 3 of them. My daughter with her handlebars pretty much in her lap, my little one with her wobbly half-flat tire and their friend scrunch over the scooter that was much to small for her and me in my yoga pants bringing up the rear. It was pitiful. We looked like we were from the land of Misfit Bicycles. They did not care. They were happy as clams.

We got to the park but there were no ducks. Just a heron. We threw the bread in the water anyway. The girls played. I picked up litter. There was a nice breeze and it was literally the perfect weather. We took a short cut home and all got stuck in a mud puddle. The poor kids were ankle deep in mud. I had to fish flip-flops out of the puddle.

It was nice to just be outside. I miss the warm weather, the sun, showing my toes. I'm ready for winter to be over.

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