Thursday, June 26, 2014

Anniversary Time

Tuesday was our wedding anniversary. Number 12. Which seems kind of impossible. It doesn't seem like it's been that long at all. I woke up that morning and my husband was at the bottom of the stair and I gave him a big hug and I said, "I'm not your teenage bride any more." He laughed. That we are not. It's amazing this transformation. Just the other day I was counting his greys. I look at the faint lines around his eyes. He still 17 to me. We have both slowly changed and you don't realize it until you look at old pictures and think, "Whoa, look how young and thin we were."

We met and married when we were teenagers. We are from the same small town, attended the same schools and even had the same high school job. It seems more like a novelty than anything else when we got married but as time has gone by I treasure and appreciate the history that we have together. I love that he knew my grandfather and that we dined at his beach house, that I got to know his grandmother and father before they passed. That we can tell the kids stories about growing up and they are almost identical. We grew up just 2 miles apart! Sometimes he'll remind me of things I've forgotten. Just the other day we were talking about our regular Wawa customers and we were laughing at their funny habits. The old lady who would by 5 cartons of Benson and Hedges and insist that we pack them in a paper bag, the guy who used to come in and ask for 2 pounds of chipped ham. We were reminiscing and having a good time. I am glad that he reminds me of things that I have long forgotten. It really is a huge blessing that I have only come to appreciate in the past few years. He really is my past, present and future.

So what did we do to celebrate our anniversary? Nothing exciting. We never do gifts. Maybe it was because we were so poor during our first few years of marriage and couldn't afford gifts. We are super low key. We worked and that evening I made dinner and then we walked to the fire station to vote in the run-off. We're exciting. As we were walking back I said, "What do you want to do tonight?" "I don't know." "We can always watch a movie and make out on the couch."

My daughter made this face:
"You guys are DISGUSTING! That should be ILLEGAL!!!!"

We got home and this kids went wherever they go and we tried to agree on a movie. Which was hard. We can never agree on a movie. So we watched The Craft. Horrible acting. But  from the 90's - a decade we both appreciate.

We will have a real date this weekend. Dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown and the house to ourselves.

That RARELY happens. We need it. So here is to another year of marriage in the books. We're just having a good ole time!

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